
Posts Tagged ‘http://bushnellcomplaint.blogspot.com/’

Question:  Could it be true that Dr. James David Manning originated a Columbia Obama Treason Trial scheduled for May 14-19, 2010 to reveal the Obama, Columbia University and CIA cover up?

The following videos and website reveal detailed and eye-opening information relating to this trial-You Decide:

I. Video: CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!-Posted on YouTube.com-By ATLAHWorldwide-On February 17, 2010:

Hon. James David Manning says Barack Hussein “The Long Legged Mack Daddy” Obama was a C.I.A. operative who used Columbia University as a cover to go to Pakistan in 1981 when the CIA and the Mujahideen worked together against the Soviet Invasion. Obama supplied arms, logistics, and money using his Muslim background.


II. Video: OBAMA LINK TO AL-QAEDA?-Posted on YouTube.com-By 91177info-On March 9, 2010:


III. Video: BARACK OBAMA IS A CIA CREATION!-Posted on YouTube.com-By ricthuse-On September 18, 2010:


IV. Video: Court Orders Obama To Resign In 90 Days!Posted on YouTube.com-By ATLAHWorldwide-On Jan 31, 2011:


V. Video: Obama The CIA Made Man!Posted on YouTube.com-By ATLAHWorldwide-On April 22, 2011:


VI. Video: Obama is in a Poll Hole: Get a Shovel and Throw Dirt!Posted on YouTube.com-By ATLAHWorldwide-On May 21, 2011:


VII. Video: Proof Positive Obama was Never in Harlem!-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On August 1, 2012:


For more information relating to the CIA Columbia Obama Trial go to:


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or support the above videos and website-You Decide:

I. Wayne Allyn Root’s Million-Dollar Challenge:  “The Libertarian VP candidate wants Barack Obama to release his grades”!Posted on Reason Magazine-By Matt Welch-On September 5, 2008:

Wayne Allyn Root former liberatarian VP candidate, offered Obama $1million to show his transcripts, because as president of the ‘83 political science class at Columbia, he nor anyone else, remembers Obama ever going there. Of course Obama ignored the proposal. And Obama says he too graduated ‘83 political science.

Root said, “I think the most dangerous thing you should know about Barack Obama is that I don’t know a single person at Columbia that knows him, and they all know me. I don’t have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia. Ever!”
 The lack of Columbia attachments and documents, falls into the category of the “unspeakables” along with his obvious ineligibility because he was born and is still a British citizen, thus not a natural born citizen.


II. Obama Classmate: Obama’s Agenda Is To Turn The United States Into A Socialist/Marxist State!Posted on Review Journal-By Wayne Allyn Root-On June 6, 2010:




IV. Come On, Mitt, Get Going On “Obama’s” Achilles Heel-Columbia, Grades, Scholarships, Foreign Student, etc.!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On September 21, 2012:


Note:   The above articles and/or blog posts, website and videos relate to and/or support my following blog post of April 18, 2009-You Decide:

Question:  Could it be true that President Obama while attending Columbia University was hired by Brzezinski, a CIA expert on the Soviet Union that taught International Relations (IR) and was head of the Institute for Communist Affairs at Columbia, which is why the Courts and Congress are silent when it comes to his U.S. citizenship eligibility status?

The following eye-opening blog post reveals that President Obama was one of 8 students that was selected to study Sovietology in Columbia’s IR program under Brzezinski, one of the CIA’s top-ranking officers, and was heavily influenced by him, which resulted in President Obama being hired by him and allegedly sent him to Pakistan in 1981 under the US Government’s CIA faction-You Decide:

The Real-Deal About Obama And Congressional/Court Silence!-By Defendusx-On April 1, 2009:

These are pertinent excerpts from this blog post:

“Obama is a Spook. I don’t mean that in the racist sense of the word.

Obama’s mother was/is a CIA officer.

Obama was one of 8 students selected to study Sovietology in Columbia’s IR program under Brzezinski, one of the CIA’s top- ranking officers. This is how the CIA partners with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as Brzezinski was also appointed director of the CFR, by David Rockefeller when the CFR was first created.

The following research information came from The Obama Timeline by Don Fredrick. I highly recommend this timeline to anyone really wanting to know Obama (and not going by what he says):

“Obama meets Zbigniew Brzezinski while at Columbia. Brzezinski, a CIA expert on the Soviet Union, teaches international relations and is the head of the Institute for Communist Affairs at Columbia. Obama is heavily influenced by Brzezinski, who would later, as National Security Advisor for President Jimmy Carter, be instrumental in encouraging America’s betrayal of the Shah of Iran (which then led to the takeover of Iran by Ayatollah Khomeini, the 444-day American hostage debacle, and the rise of Ahmadinejad).”

Obama was sent by the US government (CIA faction) to Pakistan in 1981.”

Note:  What follows is a blog post by Don Frederick, author of “The Obama Timeline,” along with other blog posts that relate to and/or further support the above blog post-You Decide:

Obama’s Relationship with Zbigniew Brzezinski:

I. Obama’s spring break in Pakistan!Posted on The Obama Timeline… and thoughts on restoring American liberties-By Don Fredrick-On September 14, 2008:


II. Obama – government and military connections?Posted on aangirfan-On January 8, 2009:


III. Zbigniew Brzezinski-Posted on Source Watch:


IV. Henry KissingerPosted on Wikipedia:


Note: These are current/updated excerpts and/or information from the website mentioned in the above blog post from April 1, 2009:

The Obama Timeline… and thoughts on restoring American liberties!-By Don Fredrick:


The Obama Timeline: Part I (8/4/1961 through his first 100 days) (638 pages of ammunition in the battle against deception, fraud, and collectivism!)


The Obama Timeline: Part II (Day 101 – 09/18/2012) (Updated on a daily basis by author Don Fredrick)


The Condensed Obama Timeline 1959–1995:


The Obama Timeline has more than 35,000 online references, and parts I and II combined exceed 5,000 pages. Nowhere will you find a more complete history of Obama’s activities, from his birth to the present. The Timeline is updated on a daily basis – if it’s in the news and it is related to Obama, it is in the Timeline.

I scour the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and television reports every day, and then distill all the important stories to a few pages that you can read in just a few minutes. I do the research so that you do not have to. Just click on the current month in Part II of the Timeline and look for the text that is highlighted in yellow – that is the new text that was added at the end of the previous day.

Please tell your friends about the Timeline. Removing Obama from the White House cannot be accomplished unless the voters know about his radical past and his anti-American policies… and the Timeline is the best place to learn about both.

By Don Fredrick at: www.colony14.net (Contact the author at: colony14@gmail.com)”

Continue Reading:


Note:  The following websites give you more eye-opening information regarding Operation Ajax mentioned above-You Decide:

America, Iran, and Operation Ajax: The Burden of the Past:


Google.com Archive Search:


Communists started infiltrating the CIA most notably in the 1970s. Brzezinski is a Marxist and Obama mentor (and now part of his administration and inner circle).

So, you see what is happening now, this same CIA faction (which many top CIA officers are also members of the CFR and Trilateral Commission) are toppling the US government!

They have only toppled dozens of smaller governments to date, but with one of their recruits in the Whitehouse, they feel confident in taking down the US.

Some things to note:

  • Obama ran for state office and his opponent quit the race before the election.
  • Obama ran for US Senate, and his opponent quit the race before the election.
  • Obama ran for President and his foreign policy chief was, who else, one of the CIA’s top officers, Brzezinski.
Note:   For more eye-opening information on Brzezinski refer to the following articles and/or blog posts-You Decide:
The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon:


Brzezinski: ‘Hell, There Could Be Even Riots’:


Also, McCain (maybe on purpose) slipped on Larry King and said Obama will be the next President, and this was when he was leading by 1 pt in the credible Polls (Zogby etc.)

It is also why McCain near the end of his campaign started telling the people of America to “Stand-up and fight for America. It is the greatest country in the world, fight for her.”

And, like in the past, the Muslim brotherhood and Muslim intelligence agencies have been fooling this CIA faction by placing their props in a position for CIA recruitment. In other words, putting their guy in front of the right people at the CIA (Brzezinski) to be noticed and recruited.

Does this make Obama a dual agent for both the CIA NWO (New World Order) objective AND the radical Islam (world order under Islam) objective?

In effect it does, and this is why you’re seeing Obama do both agendas simultaneously. Eventually, one will collide with the other, but the people of the USA don’t have that long to wait before their freedoms are eroded. The time to step-up is now.

Only, we the people can stop this by demanding Obama prove his eligibility. Time is running out.

Note: What follows are articles and/or blog posts that reveal President Obama and his family’s connection to the CIA, along with a video regarding his Indonesian Citizenship and Connecticut SS Number, which relate to and/or further support the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide:

I. Bombshell:Barack Obama Conclusively Outed As CIA Creation!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes,
August 18, 2010:


These are pertinent excerpts from this article and/or blog post:


Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes


August 18, 2010

“Tonight is a particular honor for me because, let’s face it, my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack. His father — my grandfather — was a cook, a domestic servant to the British. But my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place, America, that shone as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before.” 

-Barack Obama, 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

Far from being the mere ‘son of a goat herder’ (as he deceptively paraded during and even before his candidacy), strong evidence has emerged that President Barack Obama is the product of the intelligence community. Investigative reporter and former NSA employee Wayne Madsen has put together an extensive three-part (and growing) series with conclusive proof and documentation that Barack Obama Sr., Stanley Ann Dunham, Lolo Soetoro and President Barack Obama himself all hold deep ties to the CIA and larger intelligence community. And that’s just the beginning.

After his election, President Obama quickly moved to seal off his records via an executive order. Now, after two years of hints and clues, there is substantial information to demonstrate that what Obama has omitted is that his rare rise to power can only be explained by his intelligence roots. However, this is more than the story of one man or his family. There is a long-term strategic plan to recruit promising candidates into intelligence and steer these individuals and their families into positions of influence and power. Consider that it is now declassified former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was recruited into MI5 before becoming a labour leader, or that George H. W. Bush not only became CIA director in 1976 but had a deeper past in the organization. While we may never know many pertinent details about these matters, one thing that is certain is that the American people have never been told the truth about who holds the real power, nor who this president– and likely many others– really is. Thus, we urge everyone to read Wayne Madsen’s deep report and seek the truth for yourself.

The Story of Obama: All in The Company (In Three Parts)

Wayne Madsen

Wayne Madsen Report

August 16, 2010

PART 1: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I)

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency’s connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather. The first part of his report highlights the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and the CIA-sponsored operations in Kenya to counter rising Soviet and Chinese influence among student circles and, beyond, to create conditions obstructing the emergence of independent African leaders.

From 1983-84, Barack Obama worked as Editor at Business Internation Corporation, a Business International Corporation, a known CIA front company.

President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.

Barack Obama, Sr., who met Dunham in 1959 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii, had been part of what was described as an airlift of 280 East African students to the United States to attend various colleges — merely “aided” by a grant from the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation, according to a September 12, 1960, Reuters report from London. The airlift was a CIA operation to train and indoctrinate future agents of influence in Africa, which was becoming a battleground between the United States and the Soviet Union and China for influence among newly-independent and soon-to-be independent countries on the continent.

The airlift was condemned by the deputy leader of the opposition Kenyan African Democratic Union (KADU) as favoring certain tribes — the majority Kikuyus and minority Luos — over other tribes to favor the Kenyan African National Union (KANU), whose leader was Tom Mboya, the Kenyan nationalist and labor leader who selected Obama, Sr. for a scholarship at the University of Hawaii. Obama, Sr., who was already married with an infant son and pregnant wife in Kenya, married Dunham on Maui on February 2, 1961 and was also the university’s first African student. Dunham was three month’s pregnant with Barack Obama, Jr. at the time of her marriage to Obama, Sr.

The CIA allegedly recruited Tom M’Boya in a heavily funded “selective liberation” programme to isolate Kenya’s founding President Jomo Kenyatta, who the American spy agency labelled as “unsafe.”

KADU deputy leader Masinda Muliro, according to Reuters, said KADU would send a delegation to the United States to investigate Kenyan students who received “gifts” from the Americans and “ensure that further gifts to Kenyan students are administered by people genuinely interested in Kenya’s development.’”

Mboya received a $100,000 grant for the airlift from the Kennedy Foundation after he turned down the same offer from the U.S. State Department, obviously concerned that direct U.S. assistance would look suspicious to pro-Communist Kenyan politicians who suspected Mboya of having CIA ties. The Airlift Africa project was underwritten by the Kennedy Foundation and the African-American Students Foundation. Obama, Sr. was not on the first airlift but a subsequent one. The airlift, organized by Mboya in 1959, included students from Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland.

Reuters also reported that Muliro charged that Africans were “disturbed and embittered” by the airlift of the selected students. Muliro “stated that “preferences were shown to two major tribes [Kikuyu and Luo] and many U.S.-bound students had failed preliminary and common entrance examinations, while some of those left behind held first-class certificates.”

Obama, Sr. was a friend of Mboya and a fellow Luo. After Mboya was assassinated in 1969, Obama, Sr. testified at the trial of his alleged assassin. Obama, Sr. claimed he was the target of a hit-and-run assassination attempt after his testimony.

CIA-airlifted to Hawaii, Barack Obama Sr., with leis, stands with Stanley Dunham, President Obama’s grandfather, on his right.

Obama, Sr., who left Hawaii for Harvard in 1962, divorced Dunham in 1964. Obama, Sr. married a fellow Harvard student, Ruth Niedesand, a Jewish-American woman, who moved with him to Kenya and had two sons. They were later divorced. Obama, Sr. worked for the Kenyan Finance and Transport ministries as well as an oil firm. Obama, Sr. died in a 1982 car crash and his funeral was attended by leading Kenyan politicians, including future Foreign Minister Robert Ouko, who was murdered in 1990.

CIA files indicate that Mboya was an important agent-of-influence for the CIA, not only in Kenya but in all of Africa. A formerly Secret CIA Current Intelligence Weekly Summary, dated November 19, 1959, states that Mboya served as a check on extremists at the second All-African People’s Conference (AAPC) in Tunis. The report states that “serious friction developed between Ghana’s Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah and Kenyan nationalist Tom Mboya who cooperated effectively last December to check extremists at the AAPC’s first meeting in Accra.” The term “cooperated effectively” appears to indicate that Mboya was cooperating with the CIA, which filed the report from field operatives in Accra and Tunis. While “cooperating” with the CIA in Accra and Tunis, Mboya selected the father of the president of the United States to receive a scholarship and be airlifted to the University of Hawaii where he met and married President Obama’s mother.

An earlier CIA Current Intelligence Weekly Summary, secret, and dated April 3, 1958, states that Mboya “still appears to be the most promising of the African leaders.” Another CIA weekly summary, secret and dated December 18, 1958, calls Mboya the Kenyan nationalist an “able and dynamic young chairman” of the People’s Convention party who was viewed as an opponent of “extremists” like Nkrumah, supported by “Sino-Soviet representatives.”

In a formerly Secret CIA report on the All-Africa Peoples Conference in 1961, dated November 1, 1961, Mboya’s conservatism, along with that of Taleb Slim of Tunisia, are contrasted to the leftist policies of Nkrumah and others. Pro-communists who were elected to the AAPC’s steering committee at the March 1961 Cairo conference, attended by Mboya, are identified in the report as Abdoulaye Diallo, AAPC Secretary General, of Senegal; Ahmed Bourmendjel of Algeria; Mario de Andrade of Angola; Ntau Mokhele of Basutoland; Kingue Abel of Cameroun; Antoine Kiwewa of Congo (Leopoldville); Kojo Botsio of Ghana; Ismail Toure of Guinea; T. O. Dosomu Johnson of Liberia; Modibo Diallo of Mali; Mahjoub Ben Seddik of Morocco; Djibo Bakari of Niger; Tunji Otegbeya of Nigeria; Kanyama Chiume of Nyasaland; Ali Abdullahi of Somalia; Tennyson Makiwane of South Africa, and Mohamed Fouad Galal of the United Arab Republic.

The only attendees in Cairo who were given a clean bill of health by the CIA were Mboya, who appears to have been a snitch for the agency, and Joshua Nkomo of Southern Rhodesia, B. Munanka of Tanganyika, Abdel Magid Shaker of Tunisia, and John Kakonge of Uganda.

Nkrumah would eventually be overthrown in a 1966 CIA-backed coup while he was on a state visit to China and North Vietnam. The CIA overthrow of Nkrumah followed by one year the agency’s overthrow of Sukarno, another coup that was connected to President Obama’s family on his mother’s side. There are suspicions that Mboya was assassinated in 1969 by Chinese agents working with anti-Mboya factions in the government of Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta in order to eliminate a pro-U.S. leading political leader in Africa. Upon Mboya’s death, every embassy in Nairobi flew its flag at half-mast except for one, the embassy of the People’s Republic of China.

Jomo Kenyatta, first President of Kenya.

Mboya’s influence in the Kenyatta government would continue long after his death and while Obama, Sr. was still alive. In 1975, after the assassination of KANU politician Josiah Kariuki, a socialist who helped start KANU, along with Mboya and Obama, Sr., Kenyatta dismissed three rebellious cabinet ministers who “all had personal ties to either Kariuki or Tom Mboya.” This information is contained in CIA Staff Notes on the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia, formerly Top Secret Umbra, Handle via COMINT Channels, dated June 24, 1975. The intelligence in the report, based on its classification, indicate the information was derived from National Security Agency intercepts in Kenya. No one was ever charged in the assassination of Kariuki.

The intecepts of Mboya’s and Kariuki’s associates are an indication that the NSA and CIA also maintain intercepts on Barack Obama, Sr., who, as a non-U.S. person, would have been lawfully subject at the time to intercepts carried out by NSA and Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

PART 2:  Special Report. The Story of Obama: All in The Company – Part II

In Part I of this WMR special report, we revealed the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and the CIA-affiliated Airlift Africa project to provide college degrees to and gain influence over a group of 280 eastern and southern African students from soon-to-be independent African nations to counter similar programs established by the Soviet Union and China. Barack Obama Sr. was the first African student to attend the University of Hawaii. Obama Sr. and Obama’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham met in a Russian language class in 1959 and they married in 1961.

The African airlift program was administered by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya, a fellow Luo tribe mentor and friend of the senior Obama. According to CIA documents described in Part I, Mboya also served the CIA in ensuring that pro-Soviet and pro-Chinese African nationalists were stymied in their attempt to dominate pan-African nationalist political, student, and labor movements.

One of Mboya’s chief opponents was Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah, who was ousted in a CIA-inspired coup in 1966, one year before to Obama Sr’s son, Barack Obama, Jr. and his mother joined Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian who Obama’s mother met at the University of Hawaii in 1965, when President Obama was four years old.

In 1967, Obama and his mother joined her husband in Jakarta. In 1965, Lolo Soetoro had been called back from Hawaii by General Suharto to serve as an officer in the Indonesian military to help launch a bloody CIA-backed genocide of Indonesian Communists and Indonesian Chinese throughout the expansive country. Suharto consolidated his power in 1966, the same year that Barack Obama, Sr.’s friend, Mboya, had helped to rally pro-U.S. pan-African support for the CIA’soverthrow of Nkrumah in Ghana in 1966.

East-West Center, University of Hawaii, and CIA coup against Sukarno:

Ann Dunham met Soetoro at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii. The center had long been affiliated with CIA activities in the Asia-Pacific region. In 1965, the year that Dunham met and married Soetoro, the center saw a new chancellor take over. He was Howard P. Jones who served a record seven years, from 1958 to 1965, as U.S. ambassador to Indonesia. Jones was present in Jakarta as Suharto and his CIA-backed military officers planned the 1965 overthrow of Sukarno, who was seen, along with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), as allies of China.

When Jones was chancellor of the East-West Center, he wrote an article for the Washington Post, dated October 10, 1965, in which he defended Suharto’s overthrow of Sukarno. Jones was “invited” by the Post to comment on the Suharto coup, described as a “counter-coup” against the Communists. Jones charged that Suharto was merely responding to an earlier attempted Communist-led coup against Sukarno launched by Lt. Col. Untung, “a relatively unknown battalion commander in the palace guard.”

Jones’s article, which mirrored CIA situation reports from the U.S. embassy in Jakarta, continued by stating that the alleged leftist coup on September 30 ”came within an inch of succeeding through the assassination of six of the top military command. It might well have succeeded had not Defense Minister Nasution and a number of other senior generals also maked for assassination acted fast in a dramatic counter-coup.” Of course, what Jones did not inform the Post’s readers was that the Suharto “counter-coup” had been assisted with the strong help of the CIA.

Sukarno never blamed the Communists for the assassination of the army generals nor did the Indonesian Cabinet, where the second= and third-ranking leaders of the PKI were present. The possibility that the assassination of the generals was a CIA/Suharto “false flag” operation to affix blame on the PKI cannot be ruled out. Two days after Suharto’s coup, a CIA “rent-a-mob” burned down the PKI headquarters in Jakarta. As they marched past the U.S. Embassy, which was also the site of the CIA station, they yelled out, “Long live America!”

Untung later said that when he became aware that Suharto and the CIA were planning a coup on October 5, 1965 – Indonesian Armed Forces Day – forces loyal to him and Sukarno moved first. Jones described this as “typical Communist propaganda.” Suharto moved against Sukarno on October 1. Jones iterated that “there was not an iota of truth . . . in the accusation that the CIA was working against Sukarno.” History has proven otherwise. Jones accused the Communists of taking advantage of Sukarno’s failing health to beat out the other candidates to succeed him. The goal, according to Jones, was to have PKI boss D.N. Aidit succeed Sukarno. Sukarno did not die until 1970, while under house arrest.

A CIA paper, formerly classified Secret and undated, states “Sukarno would like to return to the status quo ante-coup. He has refused to condemn the PKI or the 30th September Movement [of Lt. Col. Untung]; instead, he calls for unity of Indonesia and asks that no vengeance be taken by one group against the other. But, he has not succeeded in forcing the Army to abandon its anti-PKI activities and, on the other hand, he has bowed to their demand by appointing its single candidate General Suharto as head of the Army.” Suharto and Barry Obama Soetoro’s step-father Lolo Soetoro would ignore Sukarno’s call for no vengeance, as hundreds of thousands of Indonesians would soon discover.

The mass murder by Suharto of Indonesian Chinese is seen in the CIA paper’s description of the Baperki Party: “the leftist Baperki Party, with its major strength in rural areas, is largely Chinese-Indonesian in membership.” A CIA Intelligence Memorandum, dated October 6, 1966 and formerly classified Secret, shows the extent of the CIA’s monitoring of the anti-Sukarno coup from various CIA agents assigned as liaisons to Suharto’s army units surrounding the Presidential Palace in Bogor and at various diplomatic posts around the country, including the U.S. Consulate in Medan, which was keeping track of leftists in that Sumatran city and, which, in an October 2, 1965, Intelligence Memo, reported to the CIA that the “Soviet consul-general in Medan has a plane standing by that could be used for evacuation of Soviet citizens from Sumatra.” The October 6 memo also warns against allowing Untung from developing a following in Central Java.

A CIA formerly Secret “Weekly Summary Special Report” on Indonesia, dated August 11, 1967, and titled “The New Order in Indonesia,” reports that in 1966, Indonesia re-aligned its economy in order to receive International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance. The CIA reports its is happy with the new triumvirate ruling Indonesia in 1967: Suharto, Foreign Minister Adam Malik, and the Sultan of Jogjakarta, who served as minister for economics and finance. The report also rejoices in the outlawing of the PKI, but states it “retains a significant following in East and Central Java,” where Ann Dunham Soetoro would largely concentrate her later efforts on behalf of USAID, the World Bank, and the Ford Foundation, all front activities for the CIA to “win the hearts and minds” of the Javanese farmers and artisans.

A CIA Intelligence Memorandum, formerly Secret and dated July 23, 1966, clearly sees the Muslim Nahdatul Ulama party {NU), the largest party in Indonesia and Muslim, as a natural ally of the United States and the Suharto regime. The report states that helped Suharto put down the Communists in the post-coup time frame, especially where the NU was strongest: East Java, where Obama’s mother would concentrate her activities, and North Sumatra and parts of Borneo. An April 29, 1966, formerly Secret CIA Intelligence Memorandum on the PKI states: “Moslem extremists in many instances outdid the army in hunting down and murdering members of the party [PKI] and its front groups.”

Dunham and Barry Soetoro in Jakarta and USAID front activities:

Having A Supply Of Healthy Foods That Last Just Makes Sense

Dunham dropped out of the University of Hawaii in 1960 while pregnant with Barack Obama. Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in 1962 to study at Harvard. Dunham and Obama divorced in 1964. In the fall of 1961, Dunham enrolled at the University of Washington while caring for her infant son. Dunham was re-enrolled at the University of Hawaii from 1963 to 1966. Lolo Soetoro, who Dunham married in March 1965, departed Hawaii for Indonesia on July 20, 1965, some three months prior to the CIA’s coup against Sukarno. Soetoro, who served Suharto as an Army colonel, was clearly called back from the CIA-connected East-West Center to assist in the coup against Sukarno, one that would eventually cost the lives of some one million Indonesian citizens. It is a history that President Obama would like the press to ignore, which it certainly did during the 2008 primary and general election.

In 1967, after arriving in Indonesia with Obama, Jr., Dunham began teaching English at the American embassy in Jakarta, which also housed one of the largest CIA stations in Asia and had significant satellite stations in Surabaya in eastern Java and Medan on Sumatra. Jones left as East-West Center chancellor in 1968.

In fact, Obama’s mother was teaching English for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which was a major cover for CIA activities in Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia, especially in Laos, South Vietnam, and Thailand. The USAID program was known as Lembaga Pendidikan Pembinaan Manajemen. Obama’s mother, painted as a free spirit and a “sixties child” by President Obama and people who claimed they knew her in Hawaii and Indonesia, had a curriculum vitae in Indonesia that contradicts the perception that Ann Dunham Soetoro was a “hippy.”

Dunham Soetoro’s Russian language training at the University of Hawaii may have been useful to the CIA in Indonesia. An August 2, 1966, formerly Secret memorandum from the National Security Council’s Executive Secretary Bromley Smith states that, in addition to Japan, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, the Suharto coup was welcomed by the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies because its created a non-aligned Indonesia that “represents an Asian counterweight to Communist China.” Records indicate that a number of CIA agents posted in Jakarta before and after the 1965 coup were, like Dunham Soetoro, conversant in Russian.

Dunham Soetoro worked for the elitist Ford Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Bank Rakyat (the majority government-owned People’s Bank of Indonesia), and the CIA-linked USAID while she lived in Indonesia and later, Pakistan.

USAID was involved in a number of CIA covert operations in Southeast Asia. The February 9, 1971, Washington Star reported that USAID officials in Laos were aware that rice supplied to the Laotian Army by USAID was being re-sold to North Vietnamese army divisions in the country. The report stated that the U.S. tolerated the USAID rice sales to the North Vietnamese since the Laotian Army units that sold the rice found themselves protected from Communist Pathet Lao and North Vietnamese attack. USAID and the CIA also used the supply of rice to force Laotian Meo tribesmen to support the United States in the war against the Communists. USAID funds programmed for civilians injured in the war in Laos and public health care were actually diverted for military purposes.

In 1971, the USAID-funded Center for Vietnamese Studies at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale was accused of being a CIA front. USAID-funded projects through the Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA) — comprising the Universities of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana and Michigan State — were accused of being CIA front projects, including those for “agricultural education” in Indonesia, as well as other “projects” in Afghanistan, Mali, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand, and South Vietnam. The charge was made in 1971, the same year that Ann Dunham was working for USAID in the country.

In a July 10, 1971, New York Times report, USAID and the CIA were accused of “losing” $1.7 billion appropriated for the Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) program in South Vietnam. CORDS was part of the CIA’s Operation Phoenix program, which involved CIA assassination and torture of South Vietnamese village elders and Buddhist clerics. USAID money was also directed to the CIA’s proprietary airline in Southeast Asia, Air America. In Thailand, USAID funds for the Accelerated Rural Development Program in Thailand were actually masking a CIA anti-Communist counter-insurgency operation. USAID funds programmed for public works projects in East Pakistan in 1971 were used for East Pakistan’s military fortifications on its border with India, in the months before the outbreak of war with India, in contravention of U.S. law that prohibited USAID money for military purposes.

In 1972, USAID administrator Dr. John Hannah admitted to Metromedia News that USAID was being used as a cover for CIA covert operations in Laos. Hannah only admitted to Laos as a USAID cover for the CIA. However, it was also reported that USAID was being used by the CIA in Indonesia, Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, and South Korea. USAID projects in Southeast Asia had to be approved by the Southeast Asian Development Advisory Group (SEADAG), an Asia Society group that was, in fact, answerable to the CIA.

The U.S. Food for Peace program, jointly administered by USAID and the Department of Agriculture, was found in 1972 to be used for military purposes in Cambodia, South Korea, Turkey, South Vietnam, Spain, Taiwan, and Greece. In 1972, USAID funneled aid money only to the southern part of North Yemen, in order to aid North Yemeni forces against the government of South Yemen, then ruled by a socialist government opposed to U.S. hegemony in the region.

One of the entities affiliated with the USAID work in Indonesia was the Asia Foundation, a 1950s creation formed with the help of the CIA to oppose the expansion of communism in Asia. The East-West Center guest house in Hawaii was funded by the Asia Foundation. The guest house is also where Barack Obama Sr. first stayed after his airlift from Kenya to Hawaii, arranged by the one of the CIA’s major agents of influence in Africa, Mboya.

Dunham would also travel to Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand working on micro-financing projects. In 1965, Barack Obama Sr. returned to Kenya from Harvard, with another American wife. The senior Obama linked up with his old friend and the CIA’s “golden boy” Mboya and other fellow Luo politicians. The CIA station chief in Nairobi from 1964 to 1967 was Philip Cherry. In 1975, Cherry was the CIA station chief in Dacca, Bangladesh. Cherry was linked by the then-U.S. ambassador to Bangladesh, Eugene Booster, to the 1975 assassination of Bangladesh’s first president, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and members of his family.

The hit on “Sheikh Mujib” and his family was reportedly ordered by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Bangladesh was also on the micro- and macro-financing travel itinerary of CIA-linked Ann Dunham.

CIA banking and Hawaii:

Meanwhile, Dunham Soetoro’s mother, Madelyn Dunham, who raised young Obama when he returned to Hawaii in 1971 while his mother stayed in Indonesia, was the first female vice president at the Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu. Various CIA front entities used the bank. Madelyn Dunham handled escrow accounts used to make CIA payments to U.S.-supported Asian dictators like Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu, and President Suharto in Indonesia. In effect, the bank was engaged in money laundering for the CIA to covertly prop up its favored leaders in the Asia-Pacific region.

One of the CIA’s major money laundering fronts in Honolulu was the firm of Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham & Wong (BBRDW). After the CIA allowed the firm to collapse in 1983  amid charges that BBRDW was merely a Ponzi scheme, Senator Daniel Inouye of the US Senate Intelligence Committee said the CIA’s role in the firm “wasn’t significant.” It would later be revealed that Inouye, who was one of the late Alaska Senator Ted Stevens’s best friends in the Senate, was lying. In fact, BBRDW was involved heavily in funding covert CIA programs throughout Asia, including economic espionage against Japan, providing arms for Afghan mujaheddin guerrillas in their war against the Soviets and covertly supplying weapons to Taiwan. One of BBRDW’s principals was John C. “Jack” Kindschi, who, before he retired in 1981, was the CIA station chief in Honolulu. BBRDW’s chairman Ron Rewald had a counterfeit college degree certificate provided for the wall of his office by the CIA’s forgery experts and his name was inserted in university records as an alumnus.

A false history for BBRDW was concocted by the CIA claiming the firm had operated in Hawaii since it was a territory. President Obama is currently plagued by allegations that he has fake college and university transcripts, a phony social security number issued in Connecticut, and other padded resume items. Did Hawaii’s fake BBRDW documents portend today’s questions about Obama’s past?

BBRDW conducted its business in the heart of Honolulu’s business district, where the Bank of Hawaii was located and where Obama grandmother Madelyn Dunham ran the escrow accounts. The bank would handle much of BBRDW’s covert financial transactions.

Obama/Soetoro and the “years of living dangerously” in Jakarta:

It is clear that Dunham Soetoro and her Indonesian husband, President Obama’s step-father, were closely involved in the CIA’s operations to steer Indonesia away from the Sino-Soviet orbit during the “years of living dangerously” after the overthrow of Sukarno. WMR has discovered that some of the CIA’s top case officers were assigned to various official and non-official cover assignments in Indonesia during this time frame, including under the cover of USAID, the Peace Corps, and the U.S. Information Agency (USIA).

One of the closest CIA contacts for Suharto was former CIA Jakarta embassy officer Kent B. Crane. Crane was so close to Suharto after “retiring” from the CIA, he was reportedly one of the only “private” businessmen given an Indonesian diplomatic passport by Suharto’s government. Crane’s company, the Crane Group, was involved in supplying small arms to the military forces of the United States, Indonesia, and other nations. A foreign policy adviser to Vice President Spiro Agnew, Crane was later nominated as U.S. ambassador to Indonesia by President Ronald Reagan but the nomination was dead-on-arrival because of Crane’s dubious links to Suharto. The ambassadorship would instead go to John Holdridge, a close colleague of Kissinger. Holdridge was succeeded in Jakarta by Paul Wolfowitz.

Suharto’s cronies, who included Mochtar and James Riady of the Lippo Group, would later stand accused of funneling over $1 million of illegal foreign contributions to Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign.

President Obama has twice postponed official state visits to Indonesia, perhaps fearful of the attention such a trip would bring to the CIA connections of his mother and Indonesian step-father.

In the 1970s and 80s, Dunham was active in micro-loan projects for the Ford Foundation,  the CIA-linked East-West Center, and USAID in Indonesia. One of the individuals assigned to the U.S. embassy and helped barricade the compound during a violent anti-U.S. student demonstration during the 1965 Suharto coup against Sukarno was Dr. Gordon Donald, Jr. Assigned to the embassy’s Economic Section, Donald was responsible for USAID micro-financing for Indonesian farmers, the same project that Dunham Soetoro would work on for USAID in the 1970s, after her USAID job of teaching English in Indonesia. In a 1968 book, “Who’s Who in the CIA,” published in West Berlin, Donald is identified as a CIA officer who was also assigned to Lahore, Pakistan, where Dunham would eventually live for five years in the Hilton International Hotel while working on microfinancing for the Asian Development Bank.

Another “Who’s Who in the CIA” Jakarta alumnus is Robert F. Grealy, who later became the director for international relations for the Asia-Pacific for J P Morgan Chase and a director for the American-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce. J P Morgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon is being mentioned as a potential replacement for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, whose father, Peter Geithner, was the Ford Foundation’s Asia grant-selector who funneled the money to Ann Dunham’s Indonesian projects.

CIA Black Projects and Hawaii:

While in Pakistan, Dunham’s son Barack visited her in 1980 and 1981. Obama visited Karachi, Lahore, and Hyderabad, India during his south Asia visits. It was during the time period that the CIA was beefing up its anti-Soviet operations in Afghanistan from Pakistan.

A January 31, 1958, heavily-redacted formerly Secret NOFORN [no foreign dissemination] memorandum for CIA Director Allen Dulles from the Deputy Assistant Director of the CIA for Research and Reports [name redacted] reports on a fact-finding mission to the Far East, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East from November 17 through December 21, 1957.

The CIA Office of Research and Reports (ORR) chief reports a meeting with the staff of retired Army General Jesmond Balmer, a senior CIA official in Hawaii, about requests by the Commander-in-Chief Pacific (CINCPAC) for “a number of detailed, time-consuming research studies.” The ORR chief then reports about a CIA “survey of students at the University of Hawaii who have both Chinese language and research ability.” The ORR chief also reports that at a South-East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) Counter Subversion Seminar at Baguio, Philippines held from November 26-29, 1957, the Economic Subcommittee discussed an “economic development fund” to combat “Sino-Soviet Bloc subversive activities in the area and a consideration of possible counter-measures which might be employed.”

The Thailand and Philippines delegations were pushing hard for U.S. funding for an economic development fund, which may have provided the impetus for later USAID projects in the region, including those with which Peter Geithner and Obama’s mother were intimately involved.

Although CIA geo-political covert operations at the University of Hawaii are well-documented, the agency’s darker side of research and MK-UKTRA type operations has not generally been associated with the University of Hawaii.

A series of formerly Confidential CIA memoranda, dated May 15, 1972, points to the involvement of both the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the CIA, and the University of Hawaii in the CIA’s behavioral science program. The memos are signed by then-Deputy Director of the CIA Bronson Tweedy, the chief of the Intelligence Community’s Program Review Group (PRG) [name redacted], and CIA Director Richard Helms. The subject of the memos is “ARPA Supported Research Relating to Intelligence Product,” The memo from the PRG chief discusses a conference held on May 11, 1972, attended by Lt. Col. Austin Kibler, ARPA’s Director of Behavioral Research. Kibler was the chief for ARPA research into behavior modification and remote viewing. Others mentioned in the PRG chief’s memo include CIA Deputy Director for Intelligence Edward Proctor, the CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology Carl Duckett, and Director of the Office of National Estimates John Huizenga.

In 1973, after CIA Director James Schlesinger ordered a review of all CIA programs, the CIA developed a set of documents on various CIA programs collectively called the “Family Jewels.” Most of these documents were released in 2007 but it was also revealed that Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, the CIA’s director of MKULTRA, the agency’s behavior modification, brainwashing, and drug testing component, had been ordered by Helms, before he resigned as CIA director, to be destroyed. Duckett, in one memo from Ben Evans of the CIA to CIA Director William Colby, dated May 8, 1973, conveys that he “thinks the Director would be ill-advised to say he is acquainted with this program,” meaning Gottlieb’s drug testing program under MKULKTRA.

Senior Gerald Ford administration officials, including Chief of Staff Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, ensured that after the production of the “Family Jewels” documents, no CIA revelations were made about CIA psychological behavior-altering programs, including MKULTRA and Project ARTICHOKE.

The May 15, 1972, set of memos appears to be related to the CIA’s initial research, code named SCANATE, in 1972 into psychic warfare, including the use of psychics for purposes of remote viewing espionage and mind control. The memo discussed Kibler from ARPA and “his contractor,” which was later discovered to be Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California.

In a memo from CIA Director Helms to, among others, Duckett, Huizenga, Proctor, and the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, which later inherited reote viewing from the CIA under the code name GRILL FLAME, Helms insists that ARPA had been supporting research into behavioral science and its potential for intelligence production ”for a number of years” at “M.I.T., Yale, the University of Michigan, U.C.L.A., and University of Hawaii and other institutions as well as in corporate research facilities.”

The role of the University of Hawaii in CIA psych-war operations continues to this day.  The chief of research for DIA’s Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center (DCHC) Behavioral Sciences Program, Dr. Susan Brandon, who was reportedly involved in a covert program run by the American Psychological Association (APA), Rand Corporation, and the CIA to employ “enhanced interrogation” techniques, including sleep and sensory deprivation, intense pain, and extreme isolation on prisoners held at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan and other “black prisons,” received her PhD in Psychology from the University of Hawaii. Brandon also served as assistant director of Social, Behavioral, and Educational Sciences for the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the George W. Bush White House.

The CIA’s close connections to the University of Hawaii continued to the late 1970s, when the former President of the University of Hawaii from 1969 to 1974, Harlan Cleveland, was a special invited speaker at CIA headquarters on May 10, 1977. Cleveland served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from 1961 to 1965 and Lyndon Johnson’s ambassador to NATO from 1965 to 1969 before taking up his position at the University of Hawaii.

A CIA Director of Training memo dated May 21, 1971, reports on the active recruitment of a U.S. Marine officer who was entering graduate school at the University of Hawaii.

The Family of Obama and the CIA:

There are volumes of written material on the CIA backgrounds of George H. W. Bush and CIA-related activities by his father and children, including former President George W. Bush. Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, father, step-father, and grandmother (there is very little known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, who was supposedly in the furniture business in Hawaii after serving in Europe during World War II). Presidents and vice presidents do not require security background checks, unlike other members of the federal government, to hold office. That job is left up to the press. In 2008, the press failed miserably in its duty to vet the man who would win the White House. With the ties of Obama’s parents to the University of Hawaii and its links to MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE, a nagging question remains: Is Barack Obama a real-life “Manchurian Candidate?”

PART 3:  August 19, 2010 — SPECIAL REPORT. The Story of Obama: All in the Company (Add one more Obama family member to the CIA payroll)-Part III

Stanley Armour Dunham with Barack Obama, Sr. at welcoming ceremony to Hawaii. The presence of two US Navy personnel indicates the plane may have landed at Hickam Air Force Base, an indication of the U.S. government’s and CIA’s role in the Airlift Africa project.

WMR previously reported on the CIA links of President Obama’s mother, father, step-father, grandmother to the CIA. Not much is known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, who Obama mistakenly referred to as “his father” in two speeches, one recently to the Disabled American Veterans.

What is officially known about Stanley Armour Dunham is that he served with the 9th Air Force in Britain and France prior to and after the D-Day invasion. After the war, Dunham and his wife, Madelyn and his daughter Stanley Ann — Obama’s mother — moved to Berkeley, California; El Dorado, Kansas; Seattle; and Honolulu. Armour Dunham is said to have worked for a series of furniture stores.

Obama maintains that his mother and father first met in a Russian-language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. However, a photograph has emerged of Stanley Armour welcoming Barack Obama, Sr., complete with traditional Hawaiian welcoming leis, from Kenya. Obama, Sr. was the only Kenyan student airlifted to Hawaii as part of the CIA-inspired Airlift Africa project that saw Obama and 279 other students from British eastern and southern African colonies brought to the United States for college degrees prior to their homelands gaining independence from Britain. The students were selected by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya who would later conduct surveillance for the CIA at pan-African nationalist meetings. Mboya was particularly focused on two African leaders who were seen as too close to the Sino-Soviet bloc, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekout Toure of Guinea.

The photograph of Armour Dunham with Barack Obama, Sr., indicates that the “furniture salesman” in Hawaii was, in fact, working with a CIA-funded project to rapidly educate aspiring politicians to serve in post-independence African governments to counter Soviet- and Chinese-backed political leaders in the region.

There is a strong reason to believe that Armour Dunham worked in the 1950s for the CIA in the Middle East. An FBI file on Armour Dunham existed but the bureau claimed it destroyed the file on May 1, 1997. Considering the sour relations between the FBI and CIA during the Cold War, it is likely that Armour Dunham was being monitored by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in the same manner as a number of other CIA officials and agents were being surveilled. Similarly, the pre-1968 passport records of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, were destroyed by the State Department.

There is a photographic clue that the Dunhams may have been assigned by the CIA to Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s. A photograph of Obama’s mother and grandparents has emerged that shows Stanley Ann Dunham wearing what may be a school uniform with the insignia of “NdJ,” which stands for the College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, a private Jesuit Catholic French language school in Beirut, Lebanon. Graduates of the school include three former presidents of Lebanon, Amine Gemayel, Bashir Gemayel, and Charles Helou, all of whom maintained close relations with Washington.

Did Obama’s mother [left] go to a private school in Lebanon in the early 1950s while her father [middle] worked for the CIA in Beirut?

There is also the curious nature of President Obama’s Social Security Number, issued in Connecticut, a state where there is no other evidence of his ever being a resident. Adding to the mystery is a New York City address for a “male” named Stanley Ann Dunham,  235 E. 40th St Apt 8F, New York NY 10016-1747. The address is a few blocks away from the address of the Ford Foundation. Ann Dunham did work briefly in New York for the Ford Foundation.

On August 9, 2010, WMR reported, “In a December 19, 1971, article in the Boston Globe by Dan Pinck, [a historian and former OSS officer] titled ‘Is everyone in the CIA?’ it is alleged that identifying US Agency for International Development (USAID) officers as CIA agents was a ‘reasonably accurate accounting of certain leading operatives and associates of the CIA.’ President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro worked for USAID in rural Java in Indonesia. Pinck’s article was a review of a 1968 book, ‘Who’s Who in the CIA’ published in Berlin.”

WMR has obtained a rare copy of “Who’s Who in the CIA,” from England. The book, published in West Berlin in 1968, lists some 3,000 CIA agents and agents-of-influence around the world.

The book also contains a reference to one CIA operative whose area of primary place of operation was Mercer Island, Washington. He was retired Air Force General Don Zabriskie Zimmermann, who was the Chief Engineer for the Boeing Company in Seattle. Before retiring from the Air Force, Zimmermann was the Air Force Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Development in Foreign Countries. Ann Stanley Dunham reportedly graduated from Mercer Island High School in 1960 and met Obama later that year in a Russian language class after  her parents moved to Hawaii. Stanley Ann’s mother, Madelyn Dunham, worked at a Boeing plant in Wichita, Kansas during World War II.

The book lists the number of CIA agents in countries during the 1950s and 60s where Obama’s father, mother, step-father Lolo Soetori, and allegedly, his grandmother and grandfather worked:


Jakarta   64

Surabaya  12

Medan  8

Hollandia  1


Nairobi  19

Mombassa  2


Beirut  61     (including one agent also assigned to Jakarta, Lahore, and Karachi and another assigned to Lahore)


Honolulu   6  (one agent also assigned to Canton Island and another was fluent in French, Stanley Ann Dunham spoke French, Urdu, Bahasa Indonesian, and she studied Javanese at the University of Hawaii, in addition to Russian).”

II. If Even Some Of This Is True, Obama Is So Much More Dangerous Than We Thought!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On April 24, 2012:


III. Video: Wayne Madsen on Obama’s Indonesian Citizenship and Connecticut SS Number!-Posted on ExposeObama.com-On September 16, 2009:


Note: What follows is the entire report titled “The Story of Obama: All In The Company”, to include “Parts 4 and 5” by Wayne Madsen,  a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist:

PART 1: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I)-By Wayne Madsen*, Wayne Madsen Report-From Washington D.C. (USA)-On August 16, 2010.

PART 2: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part II)-By Wayne Madsen*, Wayne Madsen Report-From Washington D.C. (USA)-On August 16, 2010.

PART 3: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part III)-By Wayne Madsen*, Wayne Madsen Report-From Washington D.C. (USA)-On August 19, 2010.

PART 4: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part IV)-By Wayne Madsen*, Wayne Madsen Report-From Washington D.C. (USA)-On August 25, 2010.

PART 5: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part V)- By Wayne Madsen*, Wayne Madsen Report- From Washington D.C. (USA)-On August 30-31, 2010.

Wayne Madsen, is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization.Visit his website.



Note:  What follows are articles and/or blog posts, a website and videos that relate to the above extremely disturbing report by Wayne Madsen-You Decide:

CIA drug traffic TI whistleblowers’ death threats and psych confinement for ‘delusion’!Posted on Examiner-By DEBORAH DUPRE-On February 15, 2010:


Washington DC Investigative Journalist Wayne Madsen Threatened by Obama White House!-Posted on Sinclair News-By Administrator-On April 13, 2011:


White House threats on Wayne Madsen must be taken seriously!-Posted on Info Wars-By Wayne Madsen Report-On April 13, 2011:


Wayne Madsen-Death Threat! (Part 1 of 2)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 14, 2011:


Wayne Madsen-Death Threat! (Part 2 of 2)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 14, 2011:


Alex Jones-Wayne Madsen! (Part 1 of 3)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 19, 2011:


Alex Jones-Wayne Madsen! (Part 2 of 3)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 19, 2011:


Alex Jones-Wayne Madsen! (Part 3 of 3)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 19, 2011:


DEATH THREATS BY U.S. BLACK OPS!-Posted on Rinf News-On March 19, 2012::


Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled “Dreams From My Real Father,” along with the newly released film titled “The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President’s secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama’s secret link to Communists; 2) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President’s secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections, which I believe relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts, reports, websites and videos-You Decide:

Obama-The Outrageous Way Obama Became President

The Outrageous Way Obama Became President!Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dave Hodges-On January 18, 2015:


Obama-Muslim In White House

When A U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 17, 2014


Congresswoman Michelle Lujan-Grisham

Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 13, 2014:


NWO-Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America

Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


Video: Obama’s Other Communist Mentor!Posted on Western Journalism-By JOEL VALENZUELA-On August 6, 2012:


Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up!Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 5, 2012:


Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!-Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On July 30, 2012:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On July 29, 2012:


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!Posted on We The People USA- By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:


Note:  The following video contains an eye-opening interview with attorney Stephen Pidgeon, who claims that he found a record for a name change from “Barak Mounir Ubayd” to “Barack Hussein Obama” on October 14th, 1982 in Skookumchuck, British Columbia. The interview aired 6/3/2011 on TruNews Radio. Attorney Pidgeon also discusses his new book titled “The Obama Error.”-You Decide:

Video: Attorney’s Explosive Claim, Obama Changed Name in 1982!Posted on ExposeObama.com-On June 4, 2011:


Note: What follows is a series of investigative reports titled “The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama.” 

Exclusive Investigatory Report: The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama, Pre-Election To 2009 (Part 1)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 9, 2012:


Exclusive: The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama (Part 2)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 11, 2012:


Exclusive: The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama 2009 (Part 3 of 3)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 14, 2012:


Note: What follows is a series of reports titled “The Fiction and Non-Fiction of Obama” and “Do You Know Anybody Like Obama.”

THE FICTION AND NON-FICTION OF OBAMA (PART ONE)!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On May 12, 2012:


THE FICTION AND NON-FICTION OF OBAMA (PART TWO)!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On May 13, 2012: 


Video: Glenn painstakingly presents the Obama lie timeline!Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 11, 2012:




Video: Updated: Can you find anything on this list that represents you?-Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 10, 2012:


Play the Obama’s life history multiple choice challenge!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 17, 2012:


BECK’S ENTIRE OBAMA EXPOSE!-Posted on GBTV-By Glenn Beck on May 10, 2012:


Note:  What follows are numerous articles and/or blog posts, reports and videos that relate to and/or support the above videos, articles and/or blog posts, report, websites and videos-You Decide

Obama-Major Breakthrough In The Case Of Barack Obama And His Muslim Brother Malik

Major Breakthrough In The Case Of Barack Obama And His Muslim Brother Malik!Posted on Shoebat.com-By Ben Barrack-On January 5, 2015:


NWO-China Holds the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial Transcripts

Video: China Holds the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial Transcripts!-Posted on YouTube.com-By ATLAHWorldwide-On June 7, 2013:








NWO-Obama Classmate- No One Ever Saw Obama

Video: Obama Classmate: No One Ever Saw Obama!Posted on Western Journalism-ByNEWSEDITOR-On June 5, 2013:


NWO-Barack Obama Never Attended Columbia University Says His Graduating Class

Barack Obama Never Attended Columbia University Says “His” Graduating Class!Posted on Free Patriot-By Matt Liponoga-On June 4, 2013:


CIA-Zbigniew Brzezinski

Video: Zbigniew Brzezinski Still Admits The Global Political Awakening Proving Very Difficult For The Elite!Posted on YouTube.com-By UrbanWarfareChannel-On October 8, 2012:


PBS DOCUMENTARY PRODUCERS FIND NO EVIDENCE OBAMA ATTENDED COLUMBIA!Posted on The Daily Pen-By Dan Crosby of The Daily Pen-On October 14, 2012:


Just Happened!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 3, 2012:


COINCIDENCES IN OBAMA’S UNUSUAL HISTORY PILE UP!Posted on The Washington Times 24/7-By Don Fredrick-On October 1, 2012:


COINCIDENCES IN OBAMA’S UNUSUAL HISTORY PILE UP!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On October 3, 2012:


“Just Happened…”Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 23, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 23, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on September 22, 2012:


WHY DID OBAMA ANNOUNCE OSAMA TAKEDOWN? ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill puts ‘birth certificate’ release into chronology of bin Laden kill”!Posted on WND.com-By JACK CASHILL-On September 5, 2012:


OBAMA LAWYER WARNED AGAINST CERTIFYING ELIGIBILITY: ‘’For any party official to do so would be to perjure him or herself’!’Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On September 3, 2012:


Response To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 3, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE WON’T ABANDON OBAMA PROBE: ‘Hunt for truth continues, even if media ignore evidence!’Posted on WND.com-By DREW ZAHN-On September 2, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Speak to Delegates at 5:00 EDT; Trump Mum on “Surprise”!Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 30, 2012:


GRANDMA SARAH’S POSTER CELEBRATES ‘KENYAN WONDER-BOY’: ‘Film documents calendar in village home of Obama’s relative!’Posted on WND.com-By JEROME R. CORSI-On August 29, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:


Report: “Obama is Preparing to Leave the Presidency”!Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 17, 2012:


Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Regarding Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 15, 2012:


Video: Rush: Obama Classmate; Obama Registered As Indonesian Citizen At Columbia University!-Posted on Obama Release Your Records-On August 7, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 25, 2012:


ForgeryGate: What Will It Take For Congress To Wake Up?Posted on Western Journalism-By GABOR ZOLNA-On July 25, 2012:


Video: The Evidence Is In: America Is Under Foreign Control!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 22, 2012:


Video:Arpaio Cold Case Posse Chief Investigator Mike Zullo Interviewed by ABC Channel 15 Reporter Connie Colla!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On July 22, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted by Jake Martinez-On July 22, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted by Jake Martinez-On July 22, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on July 21, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 21, 2012:




ARPAIO PROBE COULD DWARF WATERGATE!Posted on The Washington Times 24/7-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On July 19, 2012:


Obama Eligibility Lawsuit Reaches Supreme Court!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On July 18, 2012:


Arpaio’s Obama Probe Finds “National Security Threat”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On July 18, 2012:


Video: Obama Certificate FORGED! National Security In Jeopardy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 18, 2012:


Video: Arpaio Posse Exposes Obama’s Fraud!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On July 18, 2012:


Video: Watch Joe Arpaio’s Press Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 18, 2012:


Video: Local Coverage Of Sheriff Joe’s Latest ForgeryGate Revelations!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 18, 2012:


Media Coverage of Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse Press Conference 7-17-12!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On July 18, 2012:


MEDIA IGNORE SHERIFF JOE’S EVIDENCE, SHOOT MESSENGER: ‘’Information we are bringing forth is becoming very difficult for them to refute’!-Posted on WND.com-By ART MOORE-On July 17, 2012:


ARPAIO OBAMA PROBE FINDS ‘NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT’: ‘Hawaii found to be bogus birth-certificate factory!’Posted on WND.com-On July 17, 2012:


Video: BUSTED! Arpaio Team FINDS THE MAN Who Forged Obama BC!Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 8, 2012:


Dreams from My Real Father!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On July 8, 2012:


OBAMA’S ‘MISSING YEAR’ AT COLUMBIA FOUND? ‘Clearinghouse claims its reports were wrong, transcript still under wraps!’Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On July 8, 2012:


Outrageous: Judge Decides Law Doesn’t Apply To Obama!Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On July 5, 2012:


OBAMA ATTORNEYS ARGUE HE’S NOT DEM NOMINEE: ‘Urge Florida judge to ignore evidence challenging eligibility!’Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On June 18, 2012:


Obama’s Attorneys Argue He’s Not Democrat Nominee!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On June 18, 2012:


Video of June 18 FL Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing- Voeltz v Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On June 18, 2012:


Anatomy of a Florida Ballot Challenge!Posted CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On June 18, 2012:


Anatomy of a Florida Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On June 16, 2012:


Monday Florida Ballot Challenge Hearing to be Live-Stream Covered!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 13, 2012:


Flash: June 18 FL Ballot Challenge Hearing to be First Ever to Have Arpaio Posse Affidavit Submitted!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 12, 2012:


Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse Commander Responds to The CNN Hit Piece On Donald Trump!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On June 14, 2012: 


Video: News Update from Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse Commander – Interview by Mark Gellar!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On June 14, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On June 12, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on June 10, 2012:


ForgeryGate: An Excerpt From Obama Expose‘!Posted on Western Journalism-By MIKI BOOTH-On June 9, 2012:


Video: Lord Monckton Investigates Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On June 9, 2012:


OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On June 7, 2012:


Narcissism and Tyranny—The Consequence of Executive Egocentrism: ‘Self Service Masquerading as Public Service!’-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 31, 2012:


The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 24, 2012:


Why The Word “Tyrant” Accurately Describes Obama!Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 27, 2012:


Memorial Day 2012: Time To Remember The Price Of Freedom!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 26, 2012:


Pro-Obama Judges A Disgrace On Memorial Day!Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On May 29, 2012:


Cowardly Pro-Obama Judges a Disgrace on Memorial Day!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 29, 2012: 


Why Most “Conservative” Commentators Are Fools Or Cowards!-Posted Western Journalism-By KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On May 29, 2012:


Video: Floyd Brown: It Is Unbelievable Obama Unaware Of “Born In Kenya” Bio!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 29, 2012:


Video: Sheriff Joe To Hawaii: Show Us The Proof!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 29, 2012:


Hawaii Senior Elections Clerk: “Barack Obama Was Not Born In Hawaii”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On May 29, 2012:


Videos from Constitutional Elections Summit at Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 29, 2012:


CNBC Goes Birther: Donald Trump Unloads Birther Rant After Romney Reaffirms Support!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 29, 2012:


Video: ForgeryGate: Lord Monckton Defends Sheriff Joe In Interview!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 29, 2012:


WHERE’S THE LAWMAN TO RUN OBAMA OUT OF TOWN? ‘Lord Monckton tells Americans: It’s time to get behind this approach!’-Posted on WND.com-By Drew Zahn-On May 28, 2012:


Lord Monckton and Author Tom Ballantyne to speak in Ventura County, CA, Wednesday on Obama (In)Eligibility!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 28, 2012:


“ONE NATION UNDER FRAUD” radio show premiering this Memorial Day, May 28, 2012 at 4 pm EST!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 28, 2012:


Video: Detective Mike Zullo – AZ Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Commander – Updates Us From Hawaii!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 28, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to Our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted On We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:


WILL TRUMP ATTABOY TURN INTO CASH FOR ARPAIO PROBE? ‘Sheriff Joe reveals The Donald still interested in Obama eligibility!’Posted on WND.com-On May 26, 2012:


Video: ForgeryGate: Sheriff Joe And Trump Teaming Up?Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 26, 2012:


Sheriff Joe’s Posse: ‘Hawaii Duped Arizona’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 26, 2012:


Sheriff Joe’s posse: ‘Hawaii duped Arizona’ on Obama Birth Info!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 26, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE’S POSSE: ‘HAWAII DUPED ARIZONA’: ‘Letter on Obama eligibility ‘doesn’t verify anything of significance’!-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On May 25, 2012:


Scrubbed Geraldo Rivera Interview with Lord Monckton on Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate!-Posted on OBAMARELEASE YOURRECORDS-On May 25, 2012:


GERALDO TO MONCKTON: YOU’RE SMOKING CRACK: ‘Thatcher adviser claims 17 red flags on Obama’s birth certificate!’Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On May 27, 2012:


Video: ForgeryGate: Geraldo Rivera Thinks You Are A Racist!Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 26, 2012:


Mainstream Media Gobbles Up Latest Hawaiian Propaganda of Obama’s Alleged Birth Origin!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 25, 2012:


Video: Hugh McInnish of AL v Obama Interview – 05/24/2012 TPTN Show – President Obama’s Ineligibility; The Proof is Here!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 24, 2012:


Public Notice of Demand!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 24, 2012:


Final Proof Obama Was Born in Africa | Front Page | Globe Magazine!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 24, 2012:


Video: NBC Unintentionally Proves Obama Birth Certificate Tampered With!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 24, 2012:


Obama: Falsifier In Chief!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Ben Shapiro-On May 23, 2012:


U.S. Government Questioned Obama’s Citizenship When He Was 5!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 23, 2012:


Video: Was Obama Born In Kenya?-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 23, 2012:


An Open Letter To The “Senior Staff” At Breitbart.com!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM BALLANTYNE JR.-On May 23, 2012:


Contact AZ SOS!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 23, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE: ‘I’M NOT GOING TO CALL IT QUITS’: ‘Arizona lawman responds to decision to put Obama on state ballot!’Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On May 23, 2012:


“In my meetings with Mr. Bennett on behalf of Sheriff Arpaio, he was uninterested in reviewing the evidence the Cold Case Posse has accumulated,” Zullo said!Posted on Obama Ballot-By GeorgeM-On May 23, 2012: 


IS AZ SOS Bennett Throwing in the Towel Before the Fight Starts?Posted on Obama Ballot-By GeorgeM-On May 23, 2012: 


Obama’s Rather Impressive List Of “Accomplishments”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TIM POWERS-On May 22, 2012:


Levin: Obama’s College Transcripts More ‘Secret’ Than Details Of Bin Laden Raid!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 22, 2012:


Obama literary agent claims Obama was Kenyan-born ~ Now DOZENS more articles confirm the same!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 21, 2012:


Video: Dozens Of Articles Now Confirming Obama Born In Kenya!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 22, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives To Honolulu!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 22, 2012:


HAWAII FIVE-O: SHERIFF JOE SENDS DETECTIVES TO HONOLULU: ‘Cold Case Posse seeks to crack mystery of Obama’s birth 50 years ago!’-Posted on WND.com-On May 21, 2012:


AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio Sends Detectives to Honolulu Hawaii to Investigate Obama Birth Records Authenticity – Seeks to Crack Mystery of Obama’s Birth Records There of 50 Years Ago!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 21, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives to Honolulu for “Obama” Birth Certificate Issue!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 22, 2012:


The Potemkin President Disintegrates!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Bruce Thornton-On May 21, 2012:


Obama Is The Big Lie!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 21, 2012:


Obama literary agent claims Obama was Kenyan-born ~ Now DOZENS more articles confirm the same!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 21, 2012:


Video:  Michael Savage: FBI Should Be Investigating Obama’s Eligibility to Be President!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 18, 2012: 




Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No ‘Fact Checking Error’!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On May 19, 2012:


Video: How Much Do Americans Really Know About Obama?-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 19, 2012:


Romney Is Wrong On Wright!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 19, 2012:


LOOK WHO ELSE CONFUSED ABOUT OBAMA BIRTHPLACE: ‘U.S. government questioned citizenship when president was 5!’Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On May 18, 2012:


Obama’s literary agent says he was ‘born in Kenya’. How did the mainstream media miss this?-Posted on The Telegraph-By Tim Stanle-On May 18, 2012: 


Video: Literary Agent: Obama Born In Kenya!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 18, 2012:


MEDIA CHUCKLE AT BIO ON OBAMA’S KENYA BIRTH: ‘Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS, N.Y. Times missing in action!’-Posted on WND.com-On May 18, 2012:


How The “Mainstream” Media Responded To “Obama Born In Keyna” Booklet!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 18, 2012:




SHOCKER! OBAMA WAS STILL ‘KENYAN-BORN’ IN 2007: ‘Literary references show description in promotion of ‘Dreams’ book!’-Posted on WND.com-By Drew Zahn-On May 18, 2012:






Bio info for 1991 brochure submitted by author/Obama himself!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 18, 2012:


OBAMA’S LIT AGENCY USED ‘BORN IN KENYA’ BIO UNTIL 2007!-Posted on Big Government-By BEN SHAPIRO-On May 17, 2012:


The Mystery of the Kenyan Birth!-Posted on PJ Media-By Roger L Simon-On May 18, 2012:


Video: Literary Bio Claims Obama Born in Kenya!-Posted on PJTV-On May 17, 2012: 


ARPAIO REACTS TO LATEST OBAMA-KENYA CONNECTION: ‘Sheriff Joe says literary brochure ‘another little element’ of investigation!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On May 17, 2012:




Proof Obama Born In Kenya? Obama Literary Agent Says Yes!Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 17, 2012:


Breaking News: Obama’s Literary Agent writes in 1991 Booklet: ‘Obama Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’ | @ Breitbart.com!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDr Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 17, 2012:




Video: Literary Bio Claims Obama Born in Kenya!-Posted on PJTV-On May 17, 2012: 


Video: 2004 Kenyan Newspaper Article Calls Obama ‘Kenyan Born,’ Exposes Corruption In Senate Campaign!Posted Western Journalism-ByKRIS ZANE-On May 15, 2012:


ARPAIO: LOOKS LIKE HAWAII ‘HIDING’ OBAMA BIRTH RECORD: ‘Arizona secretary of state threatens to remove president from ballot!’-Posted on WND.com-By ART MOORE-On May 17, 2012:


Arpaio: Appears Hawaii ‘Hiding’ Obama Birth Record!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 19, 2012:


ARPAIO: APPEARS HAWAII ‘HIDING’ OBAMA BIRTH RECORD; Arizona Secretary of State threatens to remove “President” from ballot!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 19, 2012: 


FEDS STONEWALL ON OBAMA DRAFT REGISTRATION RECORD: ‘Agency contends microfilm available only to authorized federal investigation!’Posted on WND.com-By ART MOORE-On May 17, 2012:


G.O.P. ‘Super PAC’ Weighs Hard-Line Attack on Obama!-Posted on The New York Times-By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG-On May 17, 2012:


Jeremiah Wright can sink Obama: ‘President’s former pastor telling story of betrayal and bribery!’Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times-On May 17, 2012:


Video: UPDATED: Glenn offers Jeremiah Wright $150k for truth on Barack Obama!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 17, 2012:


Video: Rev. Wright: Obama Has Done Nothing For Blacks!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 17, 2012:


New Audio From Rev. Wright’s Shocking Interview With Obama Book Author!Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 17, 2012:






BOOK: OBAMA TEAM TRIED TO PAY REV. WRIGHT $150K TO KEEP QUIET UNTIL AFTER 2008 ELECTION!-Posted on The Blaze-ByMadeleine Morgenstern-On May 13, 2012:


WHAT ELSE YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT OBAMA BOYHOOD: ‘President tied to Bill Ayers’ radical leftist organization from age 11!’-Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On May 12, 2012:


Video: Exclusive: Obama Lived Less Than One Mile From Bill Ayers During The Mysterious New York Years!Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 14, 2012:


Video: Exclusive: Obama Lived 1/2 Mile From Bill Ayers’ College, May Have Shared Apartment!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-ON May 11, 2012:


What About Obama’s High School Years?Posted on USA Survival-By Dr.Paul G. Kengor-On May 11, 2012:




Video: More Of Obama’s Past Revealed…!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 10, 2012:


Video: Rush: Washington Post Still Can’t Find Obama’s College Records!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 11, 2012:


Response Received From Our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted by Jake Martinez-On May 8, 2012:


AL SHARPTON’S ANTI-ARPAIO SEGMENT SHOWS WHITE HOUSE ‘SCARED’: ‘WND author says ‘legitimacy of Obama’s presidency is about to come unglued’!-Posted on WND.com-On May 3, 2012:


Obama’s composite girlfriend lie ignored by MSM!-Posted on GlennBack.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 3, 2012:


Shocker: Obama caught lying in his own autobiography: ‘The dangers of dating composite girls!’Posted on Human Events-By John Hayward-On May 2, 2012:


‘Spread the Wealth’: Blogger Offers $10,000 Bounty for Obama’s College Transcripts!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 2, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 30, 2012:


Video: Obama: “I Was Born In Hawaii,” Wink, Wink!Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 30, 2012:


Video: AZ Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Detective Mike Zullo Interviewed by Freedom Friday Radio Show Host Carl Gallup – 20 Apr 2012!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 28, 2012:


Happy Birthday!  Obama Forged Birth Certificate One Year Old Today.  And Congress continues to ignore Obama’s criminal identity theft crimes in progress on and in government property, servers, and agencies!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 27, 2012:


ForgeryGate: Taking A Closer Look At The Signature On Obama’s Selective Service Form!Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On April 27, 2012:


FILM: PRESIDENT’S FATHER NOT BARACK OBAMA: ’2 years of research, rare photos support compelling case!’Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 25, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 26, 2012:


The coming chaos from the Obama-Soertoro playbook!’Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 24, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 24, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE RELEASING MORE ON OBAMA: ‘I have no intention of resigning’!-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 23, 2012:


The Sea Change: Obama’s Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 19, 2012:


Why Obama’s Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away!Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 19, 2012:


Revealed: US And British Officials Feared President Obama’s ‘Anti-American’ And ‘Anti-White’ Father!Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 18, 2012:


Obama Sr Mentioned in Secret British Colonial Files Being Released Starting Today!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 19, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 13, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 13, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 12, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2012:


JUDICIAL COWARDICE – A STENCH ROLLING ACROSS AMERICA!Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Devvy-On April 13, 2012:


More Evidence of Corruption of Judiciary!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 13, 2012:


Obama’s Legal Humiliation!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DIANNA COTTER-On April 12, 2012:


Mission Accomplished, Obama; Operation Sideshow Is A Success, Part One!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN_P_HALBERT-On April 12, 2012:


OBAMA NOW HAUNTED BY HIS EX-POLITICAL MENTOR: ‘Activist claims ‘thug tactics’ used to launch career also employed in 2008!’-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 8, 2012:


Air Force Lt. Col. David Earl-Graef Pummels Sen. McCain Over Obama’s Constitutional Eligibility | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 8, 2012:


Air Force Lt. Col. David Earl-Graef Pummels Sen. John McCain  Over Obama’s Constitutional Eligibility!-Posted on ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com-On April 7, 2012:


Tea Party To Expose ‘America’s Fraud President’ To 1 Million Households!Posted on TeaPartyInfo.org-On April 7, 2012:


ForgeryGate: Blackmailed By Putin, Obama Betrays United States And Her Allies!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 7, 2012:


Investigation Reveals Numerous Bogus Claims On Obama Resume!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 7, 2012:


The Emperor Has No Clothes!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:


The Rebirth of Birthers?Posted on American Thinker-By William Sullivan-On April 6, 2012:


More Obama Censorship At Conservative Lucianne.com!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 6, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 6, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 5, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 4, 2012:


NEW SHERIFF CALLS FOR ROUNDUP OF OBAMA RECORDS!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:


NEW SHERIFF CALLS FOR ROUNDUP OF OBAMA RECORDS: ‘Corsi wins over officials in New Jersey on eligibility!’-Posted on WND.com-By CHELSEA SCHILLING-On April 5, 2012:


FOX NEWS SMACKS ANCHOR FOR TWEETING WND VIDEO: ‘Network reacted to criticism from left-wing Media Matters!’Posted on WND.com-On April 5, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Refuses To Bow To Fed’s Overreach!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 5, 2012:


Video: Obama Administration Plans To Sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 7, 2012:


OBAMA PREPARES TO SUE SHERIFF JOE: ‘Claims violation of civil-rights laws targeting Latinos!’Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 3, 2012:


ForgeryGate: An Open Letter To My Republican Senator, Jon Kyl (AZ)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM BALLANTYNE JR.-On April 4, 2012:


Dr. Jerome Corsi at Americans for Liberty – Lecture Regarding Obama’s Eligibility – Morristown NJ – 4/3/12!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 5, 2012:


Dr. Jerome Corsi at Americans for Liberty – Lecture Regarding Obama’s Eligibility – Morristown NJ – 4/3/12!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 4, 2012:


Obama 2008 Presidential Primary Election Fraud!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 5, 2012:


HILLARY SUPPORTER’S UNTOLD OBAMA HORROR STORIES: ‘Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden death!’-Posted on WND-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 4, 2012:


Obama’s tyrannical face of Marxism – murder, threats, election fraud justified for his illegal election!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On April 5, 2012:


Hillary Clinton supporter’s detail untold Obama 2008 election fraud horror stories – Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, death threats, sudden death!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 4, 2012:


Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?Posted on Politijim.com-By POLITIJIM-On March 18, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE EXPANDS OBAMA PROBE TO HILLARY SUPPORTERS: ‘Obama campaign, DNC accused of voter fraud in 2008!’-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 3, 2012:


Clinton Insider: Bill Clinton Is A Birther!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On April 2, 2012:


HOLLYWOOD PRODUCER HEARD BILL CLINTON SAY OBAMA INELIGIBLE: Insider in Hillary’s 2008 campaign points to ‘original birthers’!-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 1, 2012:


Hollywood producer Bettina Viviano heard Bill Clinton say Obama ineligible!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 2, 2012:


Alert: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Sher Zieve-On November 20, 2011:


We Will Not Be Silenced: ‘A Documentary of Voter Fraud In The Democratic Presidential Primary 2008′!


Did Governor Abercrombie Fake Obama’s Birth Certificate?Posted on Atomic Monkey-By AtomicMonkey-On April 1, 2012:


The Faux Claims of John Woodman Regarding the “Natural Born Citizen” Clause!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 3, 2012:


ForgeryGate: If You Know Something, Say Something – Sheriff Arpaio And Mike Zullo, You Know Something!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TONY DOLZ-On April 3, 2012:


If You Know Something, Say Something – Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo, You Know Something!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 2, 2012:


Exclusive Interview: Atty Mario Apuzzo Files Amicus Brief with 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Eligibility Case | by Sharon Rondeau | @ PostEmail.com!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 2, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Presentation Inside Report and Unseen Video Footage!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 3, 2012:


Eye Witness Report from Sheriff Arpaio’s  AZ Presser on 31 Mar 2012 | by Gary Wilmott of Article II Super PAC!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 2, 2012:


Highlights Of Sheriff Joe’s March 31 Press Conference!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 1, 2012:


ARPAIO TAKES OBAMA’S ‘FORGERY’ TO PUBLIC: ‘Even if media won’t cover it, sheriff plans to spread word of eligibility scandal!’-Posted on WND.com-By Drew Zahn-On April 1, 2012:


Eye Witness Report from AZ:  Americans v. Usurper by Dr. Kate!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 1, 2012:


Obama birth certificate alleged fake Highlights Of Sheriff Joe’s March 31 Press Conference!-Posted on World News-By Daniel Noe-On April 1, 2012:


More News on 3-31-12 Arpaio Investigation Press Conference on Obama (In) Eligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 1, 2012:


“Irony Strikes”- A Writer’s Impressions of the 3-31-12 Arpaio Press Conference on Obama Eligibility Investigation!Posted on Obama Ballot Challeng-By GeorgeM-On April 1, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 31 Press Conference – Full Video!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On March 31, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 31 Press Conference – Full Video | @ WesternJournalism.com!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 1, 2012:


Highlights Of Sheriff Joe’s March 31 Press Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 31, 2012:


Photos From Arpaio Arizona Obama Forgery News Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS -On March 31, 2012:


INN chats with Mike Zullo the Lead Investigator of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse – Obama docs forged!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 31, 2012:


Obama’s Records Are Missing: Full Length Report!Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 31, 2012:


Is America Today Apathetic Or Just Plain Scared?-Posted on Western Journalism-By TIM POWERS-On March 30, 2012:


Obama Can’t Hide Anymore!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 30, 2012:


Barack Obama Was A Foreign Student – American Media Threatened Into Silence!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DIANNA C COTTER-On April 2, 2012:


Barack Obama Foreign Student – American Media Threatened into Silence!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 30, 2012:


EX-COMMUNIST NATIONS EXPOSE OBAMA ‘FRAUD’: ‘Amid U.S. media blackout, foreign press sounds alarm on ‘largest scandal in American history!’-Posted on WND.com-By CHELSEA SCHILLING-On March 29, 2012:


Russian Newspaper Pravda Reports on What U.S. Newspapers Won’t – Barack Obama Went to College Registered as a Foreign Student – American Media Threatened into Silence | by Dianne Cotter | @ Pravda!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 29, 2012:


Obama’s Lost Years 1985-1988, Is He KGB Agent? Sure acts like one!-Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 29, 2012:


Video: Sheriff Joe On Obama’s Forged Identity Records!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 29, 2012:


More news out of Arizona from Sheriff Arpaio about Obama Forged Docs Investigation!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 29, 2012:


ROCK STAR: OBAMA NOT BORN IN U.S.!’Posted on WND.com-On March 29, 2012:


ForgeryGate: Feds Refuse To Release Obama Draft Docs To Sherrif Joe!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 29, 2012:


FEDS REFUSE TO RELEASE OBAMA DRAFT DOCS TO SHERIFF JOE!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 29, 2012:


FEDS REFUSE TO RELEASE OBAMA DRAFT DOCS TO SHERIFF JOE: ‘Arizona lawman’s team believes registration fraudulent!’-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On March 28, 2012:


LORD MONCKTON: SHERIFF JOE, POSSE ‘RIGHT TO BE WORRIED’: ‘Former Thatcher adviser examined birth certificate evidence in Phoenix!’-Posted on WND.com-On March 28, 2012:


ELIGIBILITY INVADES U.S. TOWN-HALL MEETINGS: ‘When will there be a congressional investigation?’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 27, 2012:


Arizona GOP Lawmakers Looking To Revive Pro-Eligibility Measure!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 28, 2012:


Arizona State Legislators Revive Eligibility Law!Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 28, 2012:


Tuesday AZ Legislators and Arpaio Press Conference on Eligibility Bill!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:


Video of Today’s Sheriff Joe and Arizona Rep. Seel Press Conference at Arizona Capitol!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 27, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference At Arizona Capitol!-Posted on Western Journalism-On March 27, 2012:


Attorney Larry Klayman Speaking in SoCal Wednesday Night (3/28)!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:


Still more anomalies in the Long Form Birth Certificate!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:


Russian Media Exposing Obama Eligibility Fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:


Video: Russian Radio Interviews Sheriff Joe On Obama Forgery!Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 28, 2012:


Russian Media Interviews Sheriff Joe About Obama’s Identity Document Fraud: American Main Stream Media Still MIA!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 27, 2012:


Lord Christopher Monckton Interviewed by Article II Super PAC — Lord Monckton: Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’.  This is a very serious matter!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 27, 2012:


ForgeryGate: Congress Knows Obama Is A Fake!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 27, 2012:


Another Arpaio Press Conference in an hour? 3/27 1:30 PM MT!-Posted on Obama Ballot Chalenge-By GeorgeM-On March 27, 2012:


Video Of Today’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference Coming Soon!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 27, 2012:


Saturday 3/31 Arpaio Press Conference Will NOT be Broadcast Live!-Posted on Bama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 27, 2012:


BANNED from Forbes: You Decide Why!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 27, 2012:


Cowardly Congress Won’t Investigate Manchurian Candidate Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 26, 2012:


More Sheriff Joe: Won’t Back Down on Obama Investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 26, 2012:


Natural Born means BOTH parents must be US citizens!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 26, 2012:


Arpaio Investigation Brings Up Compelling Questions About Obama’s Birth Certificate and Eligibility!-Posted on Hawaii Reporter-By MICHAEL P. RETHMAN-On March 26, 2012:


U.S. Military Purging “Birthers?”Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:


Oath Keepers Assisting in Legal Defense of Marine Sgt. Gary Stein, Founder of Armed Forces Tea Party!Posted on Oath Keepers-On March 27, 2012:


U.S. MILITARY PURGING ‘BIRTHERS’? ‘Lakin speaks out after Marines push to discharge man who questioned Obama!’Posted on WND.com-By Jack Minor-On March 25, 2012:


MEDIA BLACKOUT ON OBAMA ELIGIBILITY NEAR-TOTAL: ‘Despite vast public interest, ‘mainstream’ and ‘conservative’ press AWOL!’Posted on WND.com-On March 25, 2012:


MAILMAN DISCOURAGED FROM TELLING OBAMA STORY: ‘Told family and friends: They ‘did not want to hear this’!Posted on WND.com-On March 25, 2012:


Demand Investigation into Obama Eligibility Requirements for President and Second Term Run!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Petition2Congress-On
March 23, 2012:


U.S. INS DOCUMENT FOUND: U.S. CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO ONE EAST AFRICAN-BORN CHILD OF U.S. CITIZEN IN 1961!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 24, 2012:


Birthermania!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 24, 2012:


ForgeryGate Is Provoking Us To Outrage!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD AND MARY BETH BROWN-On March 24, 2012:


Why Sheriff Arpaio’s Obama probe could be biggest scandal in U.S. history | Washington Times 24/7!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 24, 2012:


Washington Times: Obama Identity Document Fraud Biggest Scandal in American History!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on March 23, 2012:


Washington Times: Obama Identity Document Fraud Biggest Scandal in American History!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 23, 2012:


WHY THE SILENCE ABOUT OBAMA’S HISTORIC SCAM? ‘Diana West whacks MSM for ‘political blackout’ of Sheriff Joe’s eligibility probe!’Posted on WND.com-By DIANA WEST-On March 22, 2012:


The Only Problem With The Evidence Of Birth Cirtificate Fraud…Is That It Might Be True!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 24, 2012:


Lord Monckton: ‘I’m no birther,’ but Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 23, 2012:


Lord Monckton: Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 22, 2012:


IMMIGRATION RECORDS MISSING FOR WEEK OF OBAMA’S BIRTH: ‘Arpaio’s team probing possibility president born abroad!’Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On March 22, 2012:


Immigration records missing for week of Obama’s alleged birth!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 22, 2012:


Video: Jerome Corsi: People Of Interest In Obama’s Forged Selective Service Card!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 22, 2012:


Second Arpaio News Conference Planned- 3/31!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 22, 2012:


The REAL Etch-A-Sketch Candidate — Barack Obama!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 22, 2012:


Video: Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 21, 2012:


Video: Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 21, 2012:


Video: Naked Obama vs Sheriff Joe: Obama Jokes About His Forged Birth Certificate!-Posted on BirtherReportDotCom-On Mar 21, 2012:


The Joker and Fraud in the White House Makes Jokes About it Again — He Now Owns the Forgery Totally!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Cjarles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 21, 2012:


Forgerygate: An Open Letter To The Staff Of Andrew Breitbart!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 22, 2012:


Forgerygate: An Open Letter To The Staff Of Andrew Breitbart!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM BALLANTYNE JR-On March 21, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE: ‘TONS’ MORE SHOCKING OBAMA INFO: Rips ‘biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States’!-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On March 21, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE WANTS OBAMA’S ORIGINAL DRAFT CARD: Asks feds: What steps will be taken to investigate possible forgery?-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On March 21, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio of AZ Gives Selective Service System Director 30 Days to Release Obama’s Original SSS Form for Forensic Analysis!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Cjarles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 21, 2012:


President Obama will be forced by circumstances to apologise: Genuine Birth Certificate surfaces – Americans have been led to believe otherwise, revelation to change the political landscape!-Posted on African Press International-On March 9, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2012:


Congressman Cliff Stearns Awaiting Results From Second Obama Investigation by Sheriff Joe!-Posted on OBAMARELEASE YOURRECORDS-On March 20, 2012:


FULL-BLOWN MEDIA COVER-UP OF HOTTEST U.S. STORY: ‘Family of former terrorist allegedly put ‘foreign-born’ Obama through school!’Posted on WND.com-On March 20, 2012:


Video: Bill Ayers’ Family Put Foreign Student Obama Through School per Their Mailman!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 20, 2012:


Response Received From NM U.S. Congressman Regarding Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-by Jake Martinez-On March 20, 2012:


Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reported!Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 20, 2012:


Video: Sheriff Joe: Obama Investigation Could Lead To Ballot Denial For Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On March 19, 2012:


Video: Gallups: Sheriff Joe Is %100 Dead-On With Investigation!Posted on Western Journalism-On March 19, 2012:


Forgerygate: Obama Documents – UFOs, Bigfoot And The Link That Is Not Missing!-Posted on Western Journalism-By AMPRO-On March 19, 2012:


Breitbart Editor: According to our research, it’s not a legitimate thing!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 17, 2012:


BREITBART EDITOR: WE WON’T PURSUE ELIGIBILITY: ‘’To my knowledge, there’s no evidence. I just don’t believe it!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 19, 2012:


Always be Careful What You Tell the Mailman!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 19, 2012:


Be Careful What You Tell the Mailman — What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 19, 2012:


What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Cashill-On March 19, 2012:


Rush Limbaugh Takes on Media Hypocrisy in Sheriff Joe Death Threat by Obama Fanatic!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 19, 2012:


Congressman Questions “Obama” Eligibility?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 19, 2012:


POLL: U.S. FACES CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS ON OBAMA: ‘Americans finally getting message about possibly ineligible president!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 18, 2012:


STUNNING PERCENTAGE AGREES WITH SHERIFF JOE: ‘Poll: Americans unconvinced Obama birth certificate is authentic!’Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 18, 2012:


O’Bama on St Patrick’s Day!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 17, 2012:




Letter to NM U.S. Congressman Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 19, 2012:


Letter to NM U.S. Senator Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse llegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 17, 2012:


Letter to NM Governor Martinez!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 16, 2012:


“A Scandal That Will Shake This Country To Its Foundations”!Posted on Western Journalism-By JEFFREY T. KUHNER-On March 16, 2012:


Washington Times: Forgerygate Scandal Will Shake America To Its’ Core!Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 17, 2012:


Sheriff Joe on Obama Investigation: We Have Standing and Tons of Information but Major Media is Silent!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 16, 2012:


Video: Sheriff Joe: We Have Tons Of Information; Media Silent!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 17, 2012:


ForgeryGate: Ignoring Arpaio’s Report is a Scandal in Itself!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 16, 2012:


MEDIA IGNORING SHERIFF JOE DEATH THREAT: ‘Rush Limbaugh blames 1 outrageous reason for intentional silence!’-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On March 16, 2012:


Arizona Senate Joins Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Combat Ineligibility Of Presidents!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 15, 2012:


Another MSM eruption- LA Times attacks Arpaio, AZ Senate action!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:


Farah (wnd.com) rips press for attacking lead investigator of Obama birth fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:


Forgerygate: Ignoring Arpaio’s report is a scandal in itself | by Jeffrey Kuhner | @ Washington Times!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 15, 2012:


MCSO: ‘Obama Fanatic’ Who Threatened To Kill Arpaio And Family Is Found Guilty!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 15, 2012:


Ariz. officials revisit Obama’s birth certificate!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:


The Birth Certificate was forged! So says Sheriff Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse”!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 15, 2012:


Trump Praises Arpaio!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:


Why Obama’s Birth Certificate Matters, Especially Now!-Posted on Western Journalism-By SELWYN DUKE-On March 14, 2012:


Why Obama’s Birth Certificate Matters, Especially Now!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Selwyn Duke-On March 14, 2012:


OBAMA ‘FANATIC’ GUILTY IN ARPAIO DEATH THREAT: ‘He will be filled with 1,000 bullet holes before the year is out’!-Posted on WND.com-On March 14, 2012:


NPR Flubs Natural Born Citizenship!-Posted on Western Jounralism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 14, 2012:


Leo Donofrio Leaving Practice of Law!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 14, 2012:


More Layers of Evidence of Obama Identity Fraud Unpeeled!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 14, 2012:


Don’t Abandon Your Party!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 14, 2012:


STUNNER! BALANCED CBS REPORT ON ARPAIO PROBE: ‘Network affiliate documents evidence in Obama eligibility dispute!’-Posted on WND.com-On March 13, 2012:


CONGRESSMAN QUESTIONS OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE: ‘Tells townhall crowd, ‘The question is, is it legitimate?’-Posted on WND.com-By CHELSEA SCHILLING-On March 13, 2012:


O’REILLY: MY PROBE BETTER THAN SHERIFF JOE’S: ‘Here’s why Bill says he won’t report Arpaio’s findings!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 13, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Is 10 Times Worse Than Watergate!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On March 12, 2012:


The Mainstream Media Blackout Of The Arpaio News Conference!Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 12, 2012:


Wash Times Natl Wkly –AZ Sheriff Arpaio – Obama Birth Certificate and Draft Registration Card Are Forged!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 12, 2012:


Russian Newspaper Reports on What U.S. Newspapers Won’t – Obama is a Fraud – Sheriff Arpaio’s Investigation Report that Obama Identity Documents are Forged!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 11, 2012:


An Open Letter To Glenn Beck, Et Al.!Posted on Western Journalism-By T.M. BALLANTYNE JR.-On March 10, 2012:


NM Former Marine Writes Senator to Demand Arpaio Cold Case Posse Findings Investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:


Obama Impeachment Resolution Submitted!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:


Fox Reporter Attempts to Undermine Arpaio!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:


Illegal Obama Presidency Hits the Tabloids, Again!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:


PRAVDA ASKS: WHAT HAPPENED TO AMERICAN MEDIA? ‘Accuses U.S. press of ‘deliberately hiding evidence’ of Obama’s ‘fraud’!-Posted on WND.com-ByCHELSEA SCHILLING-On March 9, 2012:


Obama’s Past Revealed!Posted on Western Journalism-By MATT VESPA-On March 9, 2012:


Obama Eligibility Controversy Receives International Attention!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 9, 2012:


Globe Magazine Reports on Obama Forged Birth Certificate and Sheriff Arpaio Investigation!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 9, 2012:


Sarah Palin: McCain Campaign Managers Wouldn’t Let Us Investigate Obama’s Past!Posted on Obama Ballot Chalenge-By GeorgeM-On March 9, 2012:


Video: Palin: McCain Campaign Managers Wouldn’t Let Us Investigate Obama’s Past!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 9, 2012:


Arizona sheriff finds Obama presidential qualifications forged!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 9, 2012:


Obama might be Kenyan born reports Sheriff Arpaio investigation: ‘Records that could document Obama exact status once again mysteriously missing!’Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchneer (Ret)-On March 9, 2012:


ARPAIO INVESTIGATION: OBAMA MIGHT BE KENYAN: ‘Records that could document status mysteriously missing!’-Posted on WND.com-On March 8, 2012:


Vetting Obama: An Epic Failure!Posted on Northeast Intelligence Network-By Douglas J. Hagmann, Investigator, Director-On March 8, 2012:


DID THREATS SILENCE MEDIA ON OBAMA PROBE? ‘Stunner! Sources say warnings were to not report on Sheriff Joe’s results!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 7, 2012:


DID THREATS SILENCE MEDIA ON OBAMA PROBE?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 8, 2012:


Obama’s Lies And Denials About Where He Was Born Go On And On!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 7, 2012:


New Mexico Town Elects Mayor Who Called Obama “Evil”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 7, 2012:


Washington Times Birth Certificate Story!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 7, 2012:


Washington Times National Weekly – Front Page – 5 March 2012 Issue – Obama Long-Form Birth Certificate a Forgery!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 6, 2012:


INVESTIGATORS NOW IN HUNT FOR FORGER: ‘Cold Case Posse briefs county law enforcement on birth certificate case!’Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 2, 2012:


Investigators Now In Hunt For Obama Forger!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 3, 2012:


CBS News: Sheriff Joe’s Investigation Into Obama’s Forged Records!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 3, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Exposes Forgery Of Obama’s Selective Service Registration!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD AND MARY BETH BROWN-On March 3, 2012:


Why Glenn Beck Isn’t On Television Anymore!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On March 3, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Press Conference Transcript!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 3, 2012:


Arpaio Forged Birth Certificate Report!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-On March 3, 2012:


Phoenix TV Station Report on Arpaio Cold Case Posse on Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 3, 2012:


WorldNet Daily Summary of Sheriff Arpaio Press Conference on Obama Eligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 2, 2012:


Sheriff Joe discusses his cold case posse report and the press conference he gave in AZ!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 2, 2012:


Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Uncovers “Systematic Effort To Obscure The Truth!”-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 2, 2012:


Obama Birth Certificate and Draft Registration Form Is Forged per Arizona Cold Case Posse Report!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 2, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Eligibility Investigation Results!-Posted on Western Journlism-On March 2, 2012:


PDF: Obama Eligibility Investigation Report Released By Sheriff Joe Arpaio And Cold Case Posse Here!-Posted on Western Journalism-On March 1, 2012:


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse Videos!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:


Video of Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 1, 2012:


Media Releases on Obama Birth Fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:


Breaking News: Game-Changer in Arizona Today!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:


AZ Sheriff Joe: ‘Probable cause’ Obama certificate a fraud –  Asking Arpaio to elevate to criminal probe, person of interest ID’d!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 1, 2012:


SHERIFF JOE’S POSSE: ‘PROBABLE CAUSE’ OBAMA CERTIFICATE A FRAUD: ‘Asking Arpaio to elevate to criminal probe, person of interest ID’d!’Posted on WND.com-March 1, 2012:


Sheriff Arpaio: Obama birth certificate a ‘forgery!’-Posted on The Washington Times-By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times-On March 1, 2012:


VITAL RECORDS INDICATE OBAMA NOT BORN IN HAWAII HOSPITAL!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:


VITAL RECORDS INDICATE OBAMA NOT BORN IN HAWAII HOSPITAL! (Part 1)Posted on The Daily Pen-By by Penbrook Johannson of THE DAILY PEN-On February 9, 2012:


VITAL RECORDS INDICATE OBAMA NOT BORN IN HAWAII HOSPITAL! (Part 2)Posted on The Daily Pen-By Penbrook Johannson and Dan Crosby of THE DAILY PEN-On February 29, 2012:


Video: Dr. Manning Interviews Private Investigator Susan Daniels! (Part 1)Posted on YouTube.com-By ATLAHWorldwide-On February 13, 2012:


Video: Dr. Manning Interviews Private Investigator Susan Daniels! (Part 2)-Posted on YouTube.com-By ATLAHWorldwide-On February 13, 2012:


Eligibility attorney: Obama needs impeaching!-Posted on ATLAH Media Network-On January 26, 2012:


Dr. James David Manning explains the upcoming bloody Civil War!-Posted by ATLAHWorldwide-On January 11, 2012:


Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation!Posted on InfoWars.com-By Wayne Madsen, WMR-On August 19, 2010:


Congress: Arrest Mr. Obama!-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-By Dr. Manning-On June 21, 2010:


Guilty Verdict Press ConferencePosted on ATLAH Now, ATLAH Times-By Dr. Manning-On May 20, 2010:




Report: Former KGB officer to testify at Columbia Trial!Posted on ThePostEmail.com-By Sharon Rondeau-On May 18, 2010:


The Senate defined “natural born Citizen” in 2008, and Obama didn’t qualify!Posted on ThePostEmail.com-By Tim DeJong-On May 17, 2010:


Key Witness In Presidential Passport Tampering Case Murdered In 2008, No Arrests!-Posted on Atlas Shruggs-By Pamela Geller-On April 19, 2009:


Obama’s mother, Stanley A. Dunham, worked for Tim Giether’s Father Peter Geither at the Ford Foundation. Ford Foundation is partnered with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac!-Posted on Faith Freedom International-By piggy-On April 16, 2009:


Video: Barack Obama Gay Sex Scandal New Evidence!-Posted on YouTube.com-By billdemo2-On May 15, 2008:


Obama surfaces in Rekzo’s federal corruption case: “Source confirmed Obama is the unnamed “political candidate” referred to in document which outlines case against Rezko”Posted on SunTimes.com-By DAVE MCKINNEY, NATASHA KORECKI, CHRIS FUSCO AND TIM NOVAK Staff Reporters-On January 20, 2008:


Note:  The above videos, articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or support my following blog posts-You Decide:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


The Real-Deal About Obama, Congressional And Court Silence!


Key Witness In Obama’s Passport Fraud Case Fatally Shot!


What do Obama, Tim Geithner, The Ford Foundation, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, China and Muslims have in common?


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


Were we forewarned about what to expect if President Obama got elected?


Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!


Obama Czar’s Shocking Communist Connections!


The Audacity of Socialism!


New World Order By Executive Order!


Barack Obama’s New World Order:


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Was There a Conspiracy to Put Obama in The White House?


Who’s Behind the Financial Crisis?


Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?


The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!


Powerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


U.S. Debt to Hit $20 Trillion in 10 Years!


The Obama Fiscal Responsibility Farce Continues!


Can America Survive Obamanomics and Remain a Capitalist Society?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Is Obama The Greatest Strategic Disaster For Israel?


White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S.!


Rising Muslim Hopes from Obama’s Outreach May Backfire!


The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets!


Obama’s New OIC Envoy Defended Activist Who Aided Terrorist Group!


Sen. Obama’s Radical Islamic Past and Ties To Terrorist Groups:


Are Intelligence Personnel Empowered to Employ Their Ingenuity and Resourcefulness to Connect The Dots?


Obama and Holder’s Hidden Agenda!


Radical Movement’s Leader Forecasts America’s Demise:


Europe’s Looming Demise: Changes on the Continent Cloud Our Future!


Shocking New Report! Obama’s Real Terrorists: Targeting Patriots and The Right!


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?


Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’


Will The New START Undermine Our Nuclear Security?


Does the EU’s Lisbon Treaty Affect U.S. National Security?


The Reason for the Treason!


Is “Illegal Immigration” Illegal?


Do Alinsky’s Rules Define This Administration’s Governing Style?


Has President Obama Gone Off The Deep End?


Is Obama Employing the Cloward-Piven Strategy?


What are the costs of crossing the President?


Beware: Stealth Universal Voter Registration Legislation is Coming Soon!


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!

Read Full Post »

Question:  Is President Obama a centrist or a socialist?

During the process of the 2008 Presidential Election Campaign Investors Business Daily (IBD) informed us that Senator Barack Obama had styled himself as a centrist, but pointed out that his record did not support that claim.

After examining his past, his voting record and the people who’ve served as his advisers and mentors over the years IBD methodically outlined the facts of Obama’s actions and associations in the following twenty-one editorial series (listed in reverse order) that revealed a far more left-leaning tilt to his background — and his politics:

The Audacity of Socialism!


These are the titles, along with pertinent excerpts from these editorials:

Part Twenty-One:

Defining Problems With Socialism For The Post-Cold War Generation

Election ‘08: John McCain has finally called Barack Obama’s agenda by its proper name. But if he assumes voters understand what he means when he uses the word “socialism,” he assumes too much.

Part Twenty:

Ayers Has Not Left Radicalism Behind

Election ‘08: Bill Ayers isn’t out bombing anymore, but he’s never stopped being a radical. His ties to hostile Marxist regimes remain, raising more questions about Barack Obama’s refusal to fully repudiate him.

Part Ninteen:

If Bailout Plan Is Too Socialistic, Just Wait For Obama Leviathan

Election ‘08: Have Americans been so lulled by Barack Obama’s smooth talk that they don’t realize his plans would expand government into a massive socialist behemoth? His is a soft-spoken, hard-left agenda.

Part Eighteen:

Obama’s McKnight In Shining Armor

Election ‘08: Obama needed help getting into Harvard Law School. He got it from a disciple of Saul Alinsky who shared the socialist agitator’s belief in the radical change the young community organizer could embrace.

Part Seventeen:

Chicago Commune

Election ‘08: Barack Obama summed up well the perversity of Democratic Party thinking when he told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that it is “neighborliness” for Washington to hike taxes on those who are “sitting pretty.”

Part Sixteen:

How Obama Applies Alinsky’s Rules

Election ‘08: Barack Obama’s mocking of John McCain, while urging his followers to “get in their face,” are tactics right out of his radical hero Saul Alinsky’s playbook: ridicule and agitation.

Part Fifteen:

Community Organizer In Chief

Election ‘08: Barack Obama claims he worked for a “small group of churches” as a community organizer. In fact, he was hired by a radical Alinskyite group, and Saul Alinsky’s own son has outed him.

Part Fourteen:

Sojourning Socialists

Election ‘08: Barack Obama has joined forces with a white socialist he calls a “good friend” — the Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of “Sojourners.” He too believes in “liberation theology,” sans the black nationalism. In fact, Wallis is the white version of Jeremiah Wright, sans the black rage.

Part Thirteen:

Michelle’s Boot Camps For Radicals

Election ‘08: Democrats’ reintroduction of militant Michelle Obama in Denver was supposed to show her softer side. But it only highlighted a radical part of her resume: Public Allies.

Part Twelve:

Alice In Obamaland

Election ‘08: One of the “lies” Barack Obama says are being told about him is quite true. It involves a staunch admirer of the Soviet Union and its communist society who helped launch Obama’s political career.

Part Eleven:

Finding Friends On Far, Far Left

Election ‘08: The saying that a man is known by the company he keeps is true of political relationships. In Barack Obama’s case, some of the groups that support him are an indictment of his political orientation.

Part Ten:

Like Father, Like Son

Election ‘08: Barack Obama’s economic blueprint sounds like one his communist father tried to foist on Kenya 40 years ago, with massive taxes and succor shrouded as “investments.”

Part Nine:

Obama’s Radical Roots And Rules

Election ‘08: Most Americans revile socialism, yet Barack Obama’s poll numbers remain competitive. One explanation: He’s a longtime disciple of a man whose mission was to teach radicals to disguise their ideology.

Part Eight:

Obama’s Little Red Schoolhouse

Schools: While Obama’s children enjoy the best education money can buy, he wants to deny inner-city children the education change we can believe in — school choice. He prefers cradle-to-diploma collectivist education.

Part Seven:

Reparations By Another Name

Election ‘08: Barack Obama says Washington shouldn’t just offer apologies for slavery, but also “deeds.” Don’t worry, he says, he’s not talking about direct reparations. Relieved? Don’t be.

Part Six:

Obama Finds An ACORN

Election ‘08: The man who includes being a community organizer on his short resume has a long association with a far-left group that would organize our communities into socialist gulags.

Part Five:

Young Obama’s Red Mentor

Election ‘08: The mainstream media have finally gotten around to revealing Barack Obama’s early mentor. But they’ve downplayed the mystery man’s communist background.

Part Four:

Obamanomics Flunks The Test

Election ‘08: Barack Obama the lawyer-organizer could use a crash course in economics. His economic plan’s assumptions, based on long-discredited Marxist theories, are wildly wrongheaded.

Part Three:

Obama Wants You

Election ‘08: Barack Obama calls it “Universal Voluntary Public Service.” We call it a plan for national involuntary servitude. Kennedy asked us what we could do for our country. Obama has ways to make us volunteer.

Part Two:

Obama’s Global Tax

Election ‘08: A plan by Barack Obama to redistribute American wealth on a global level is moving forward in the Senate. It follows Marxist theology — from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Part One:

Barack Obama’s Stealth Socialism

Election ‘08: Before friendly audiences, Barack Obama speaks passionately about something called “economic justice.” He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code — socialist code.”

Note: These are eye-opening articles and/or videos from 2009 that I believe overwhelming support IBD’s facts-You Decide:

Comrade: Is the U.S. Doomed if The Stimulus Plan Does Not Pass?Posted on ComCast.Net-On February 5, 2009 (Updated):  


At What Cost? Losing the messaging war, Obama takes aggressive tack!-Posted on ABC’s “The Note” –By Rick Klein-On February 5, 2009:


Obama warns of need for stimulus bill right away!Posted on Yahoo! News-By David Espo, AP Special Correspondent-On February 5, 2009:


At Dem retreat, a partisan love fest!Posted on Politico-By Glenn Thrush and Patrick O’Connor-Updated on February 6, 2009:


Note:  The following websites and video reveal George Soros and his ultimate goal of destroying America and establishing a one-world socialist government-You Decide:

George Soros Files!


George Soros is Implementing a “One World” Socialist Government!Posted on CommiBlaster.com:


Video: Soros Obama America`s Communist Leaders!-Posted on YouTube.com-By hager3030-On March 4, 2012:


Note:  The following website and article and/or blog post reveal the connection between George Soros and President Obama-You Decide:

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama!


The Obama-Soros Connection!-Posted on Human Events-By LtCol Buzz Patterson-On September 9, 2010:


Note My following blog posts relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide:

Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up!Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 5, 2012:


Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On July 30, 2012:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On July 29, 2012:


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!-Posted on We The People USA- By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 24, 2012:


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide:

Protein Wisdom Logo

The progressive endgame, and how to prevent it!Posted on Protein Wisdom-By Jeff G.-On October 4, 2013:


Cliff Kincaid

“REVOLUTION BEYOND BORDERS” COMES TO AMERICA!Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Cliff Kincaid-On
October 5, 2013:


CHARLIE DANIELS UNLOADS ‘DAG-BLAMED TRUTH’ ON OBAMA: ‘Feisty music legend worries after November, ‘America will never be America again!’Posted on WND.com-By DREW ZAHN-On August 5, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on July 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 25, 2012:


Video: College Friend Speaks Out On Obama’s Marxism! (Part 1)Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On July 31, 2012:


Video: College Friend Speaks Out On Obama’s Marxism! (Part 2)Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On August 1, 2012:


ANOTHER DOCTORED IMAGE DEEPENS OBAMA MYSTERY: ‘Filmmaker claims black man removed from 2012 campaign Facebook image!Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On July 18, 2012:


MICHAEL SAVAGE: OBAMA ‘MOST EVIL’ PRESIDENT EVER: ‘Warns tyranny begins with kind of rhetoric delivered over weekend!’Posted on WND.com-On July 17, 2012:


Video: Obama’s Radical Philosophy Revealed!Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 17, 2012:


Video: Barack Hussein Obama – You Need to Get Out!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On July 17, 2012:


RUSH LIMBAUGH: OBAMA ‘HATES THIS COUNTRY’: ‘Says president trying to dismantle American dream brick by brick!’-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacks-On July 16, 2012:


OK, Mr. Obama, Let’s Be Fair!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MICHAEL NELLETT -On July 14, 2012:


HERO GENERAL: OBAMA FOLLOWING CASTRO’S PLAN: ‘The things done in every Marxist insurgency are being done in America today’!-Posted on WND.com-By Drew Zahn-On July 2, 2012:


Video: Monica Crowley Discusses Obama’s Communist Roots!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On June 19, 2012:


WHO IS THE WHITE HOUSE MOLE?-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 16, 2012: 


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On June 12, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on June 10, 2012:


OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez-On June 7, 2012:


Video: Rush on Obama’s membership in socialist New Party!


Obama’s Third-Party History!Posted on National Review Online-By Stanley Kurtz-On June 7, 2012:


OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’-Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On June 7, 2012:


Obama Caught Lying Again!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On June 7, 2012:


NEW DOCS REPORTEDLY SHOW OBAMA WAS A MEMBER OF THE FAR-LEFT ‘NEW PARTY’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On June 7, 2012:




1996 AD: OBAMA EVENT SPONSORED BY SOCIALIST GROUP: ‘Future prez outlined ways government can ‘create productive communities’!-Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On May 23, 2012:


On May 10th Obama Signed Another Executive Order!Posted on Before It’s News-On May 11, 2012:


THE FICTION AND NON-FICTION OF OBAMA (PART ONE)!Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On May 12, 2012:


THE FICTION AND NON-FICTION OF OBAMA (PART TWO)!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On May 13, 2012: 


Video: Glenn painstakingly presents the Obama lie timeline!Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 11, 2012:




Video: Updated: Can you find anything on this list that represents you?Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 10, 2012:


BECK’S ENTIRE OBAMA EXPOSE!Posted on GBTV-By Glenn Beck on May 10, 2012:


WHAT ELSE YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT OBAMA BOYHOOD: ‘President tied to Bill Ayers’ radical leftist organization from age 11!’-Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On May 12, 2012:


Video: Exclusive: Obama Lived Less Than One Mile From Bill Ayers During The Mysterious New York Years!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 14, 2012:


Video: Exclusive: Obama Lived 1/2 Mile From Bill Ayers’ College, May Have Shared Apartment!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-ON May 11, 2012:


What About Obama’s High School Years?Posted on USA Survival-By Dr.Paul G. Kengor-On May 11, 2012:




Video: More Of Obama’s Past Revealed…!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 10, 2012:


Video: Rush: Washington Post Still Can’t Find Obama’s College Records!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 11, 2012:


American Spectator’s Tyrrell: Obama a ‘Stealth Socialist’!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Paul Scicchitano and Kathleen Walter-On May 11, 2012:


Communists, Cop-Killers, And Cocaine: Why The Washington Post Focuses On Romney Instead!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ERICK ERICKSON-On May 10, 2012:


How Soviet Immigrants Made Fools Out Of Communist Democrats!-Posted on Western Jounralism-By KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On May 11, 2012:


Allen West And His Critics!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PAUL G. KENGOR-On May 10, 2012:




Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Gelnn Beck-On May 7, 2012:


WHAT SARKOZY LOSS REALLY MEANS FOR AMERICA!-Posted on Big Peace-By Joel E. Pollack-On May 6, 2012:


Cloward-Piven Strategy Working Perfectly — in Europe!-Posted on PJ Media-On May 6, 2012:


The Obama Administration: Socialists, Narcissists, And Psychopaths!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 4, 2012:


The Ten Commandments For The Communists In Our Midst!Posted on Western Journalism-By TIM POWERS-On May 4, 2012:


Forward or Downward?Posted on The Patriot Post-On May 4, 2012:




Obama Shares Campaign Slogan With Jews, Nazis and … Wisconsin!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Henry J. Reske-On May 1, 2012:


Soviets Funded Black “Freedom” Journal!Posted on USA Survival News-By Cliff Kincaid-On May 4, 2012:


ANTI-GLENN BECK GROUP HONORS DISGRACED CZAR: ‘Soros-funded organization charged former Fox News host with ‘anti-Semitism!’Posted on WND,com-By Aaron Klein-On May 2, 2012:


The coming chaos from the Obama-Soertoro playbook!’-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 24, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 24, 2012:


Why Wolf Blitzer Should Apologize To Allen West!Posted on Family Security Matters-By by CLIFF KINCAID-On April 22, 2012:


BISHOP SAYS OBAMA ON HITLERIAN PATH!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Cliff Kincaid-On
April 20, 2012:


Bishop Says Obama Leading America Down Path Of Hitler!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 19, 2012:


Video: Catholic Bishop: Obama Like Hitler, Stalin!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 19, 2012:


TEA PARTY vs. NETROOTS NATIONS – GAME ON?Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By J.B. Williams-On April 19, 2012:




Video: How Ted Kennedy Saved America!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Wayne Allyn Root-On April 19, 2012: 


DO YOU KNOW WHY EARTH DAY IS APRIL 22?Posted on WND.com-On April 19, 2012:


THE NRA PARTY ROCKED!-Posted on The Blaze-On April 19, 2012:


SENATOR DEFENDING ROCK STAR ON OBAMA ‘THREAT’: ‘’Totally different interpretation’ of Nugent’s remarks as Secret Service probes!’-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On April 18, 2012:


TED NUGENT FIRES BACK AT SECRET SERVICE PROBE: ‘Rocker blasting ‘corrupt monsters in the federal government’!-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On April 18, 2012:




Ted Nugent’s Remarks Prompt Secret-Service Investigation!-Posted on News Fedd-By TIM NEWCOMB-On April 17, 2012:


COMMUNISM’S 45 GOALS!Posted on TeaParty.org-By Dave Kenny-On April 18, 2012:


Is Progressivism The New Communism?-Posted on Western Journalism-By SUSAN STAMPER BROWN-On April 16, 2012:


BECK: PROGRESSIVE ‘MISSION ACCOMPLISHED,’ NOW ON TO PHASE II — COMMUNISM!-Posted on The Blaze-By Posted on Tiffany Gabbay-On March 20, 2012: 


VALERIE JARRETT PLANTED BY COMMUNIST SYMPATHIZER? ‘Family worked closely with Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis!’Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On April 11, 2012:


Breitbart Disciple Exposes Red Influence in Congress!-Posted on Trvor London’s New Zeal Blog-By Cliff Kincaid-On April 12, 2012:


Allen West: Hope & change has been replaced by ‘divide and rule’!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On April 20, 2012:




Rep. West Doubles Down On Communist ‘Ideology’ Of Progressive Caucus!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 19, 2012:


Allen West: I Don’t Regret Whatsoever My Comments About Progressives Being Communists!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 18, 2012:


Rep. Allen West: Democratic group is Communist!-Posted on USA Today-By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY-On April 11, 2012:


ForgeryGate: Blackmailed By Putin, Obama Betrays United States And Her Allies!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 7, 2012:




The Russian Deception!Posted on Global Watch Report-On April 2012:


How I Survived Socialism/Communism (Part 1)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 23, 2012:


How I Survived Socialism/Communism (Part 2)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 24, 2012:


How I Survived Socialism/Communism (Part 3)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 26, 2012:


Why Actor Christopher Mitchum is Running for Congress!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On March 23, 2012:


Cubans See Similarities between Obama and Castro!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Victoria Jackson-On March 22, 2012:




RUSSIANS AND AMERICAN PROGRESSIVES: TOGETHER AGAIN!Posted on News With Views-By Cliff Kincaid-On February 24, 2012:


Why is Communism Bad? with Trevor Loudon!-Posted on The Patriot Update-On February 23, 2012:


Freedom Vs. Socialism!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On February 22, 2012:


Video: Nazis Were Socialists!-Posted on YouTube.com-By trestinmeachamorg-On October 4, 2009:


Note: The above articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support my following blog posts-You Decide:

The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!


Progressive group maps out President Obama’s strategy for next 2 years!


Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!


Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP)!


Were we forewarned about what to expect if President Obama got elected?


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!

Read Full Post »

Question: Is Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform seen as another farce?

The following article and/or blog post reveals the disturbing answer to this question-You Decide:

The Obama Fiscal Responsibility Farce Continues!Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On April 27, 2010:


These are pertinent excerpts from this article:

“Today President Barack Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform will convene for the first time at the White House. Tasked with making recommendations to Congress that would put the budget in primary balance by 2015 and “meaningfully improve” our nation’s long-term fiscal outlook, the commission meets a little over a month after Congress approved a new $2.5 trillion health care entitlement that the Obama administration now confirms will increase our nation’s total health care spending.

This is a now familiar pattern for the White House: first enact record breaking levels of deficit spending, then turn right around and promise austerity sometime in the future. This February, after signing the largest single-year increase in domestic federal spending since World War II, President Obama held a “fiscal responsibility” summit designed to “send a signal that we are serious” about putting the nation on sounder financial footing. The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank quipped at the time: “Holding a ‘fiscal responsibility summit’ at the White House in the middle of a government spending spree is a bit like having an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at a frat house on homecoming weekend.”

The leftist majorities in Congress are no better. Congress has now missed its April 15 deadline for enacting a budget resolution, which is one of the few pieces of legislation that Congress must pass annually. If Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) fails to pass a budget it will be the first time since the 1974 Congressional Budget Act that the House has failed to do so. All over the country, recession-weary families are examining their income and spending, making difficult decisions, and setting family budgets. Yet Congress—despite a $1.5 trillion deficit in 2010 and historic deficits as far as the eye can see—cannot manage to set any budget framework for the next few years.

Some may argue that Congress does not need to pass a budget since President Obama’s commission will be making all the tough choices. But this would only make our fiscal crisis worse: Congress is under deadline to finance the FY 2011 spending bills before September 30—well before the commission is even scheduled to release its report. Without a budget, Congressional appropriators are completely free to ignore all caps on discretionary spending for fiscal year (FY) 2011. Worse, the commission itself is fatally flawed since: 1) its recommendations are not guaranteed a vote in Congress; 2) its recommendations will be considered by a lame duck Congress; 3) there is no indication the commission will take any input from public hearings.

Last week, Pew Research Center released a survey showing just 22% of respondents said they trust the federal government almost always or most of the time. Last March Pew found by 54% to 37%, people favored the government exerting more control over the economy. Now, by 51% to 40%, a majority of Americans say they want less government control. If President Obama’s fiscal responsibility commission is to have any credibility with the American people, the first item on its agenda must be the full repeal of the President’s $2.5 trillion health care entitlement.”

Note:  What follows are numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to and/or support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:

Debt supercommittee might turn out to be a useful failure!-Posted on The Washington Post-By David A. Fahrenthold and Felicia Sonmez-Posted on November 23, 2011:


Obama ‘Actively’ Made Supercommittee’s Job ‘More Difficult,’ Toomey Says!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Susan Jones-On November 22, 2011:


Video: Democrat: Obama Owns Deficit Reduction Failure!Posted on ExposeObama.com-On November 21, 2011:


Super Committee Fails?-Posted on The New Republic-By Timothy Noah-On November 20, 2011:


Deficit Supercommittee Nears Failure as Obama Steers Clear!-Posted on NewsMax.com-On November 20, 2011:


Rubio: Obama Is Playing Politics With Supercommittee!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Amy Woods-On November 20, 2011:


Why We Want the Super Committee to Fail!Posted on Western Journalism-By BY FLOYD AND MARY BETH BROWN-On November 19, 2011:


Breaking: Senate Rules Committee Blocks Tea Party Debt Commission Hearing on Budget Reform!Posted on Freedom Works-By Tabitha Hale-On November 17, 2011:


Video: Allen West to Media, “Stop Being Afraid of this President” who is “Destroying this Country”!


Alan Simpson, Erskine Bowles Predict Coming Economic Crisis!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Forrest Jones-On June 18, 2011:


America’s Reality CheckPosted on The American Spectator-By Philip Klein-On December 3, 2010:


Deficit Commission Report Fails to Advance to CongressPosted on FoxNews.com-On December 03, 2010:


Opinion: 6 Hidden Gems in the Deficit Commission ReportPosted on AOLNews.com-By John Merline, Opinion Editor-On December 2, 2010:


Debt-Busting Issue May Force Obama Off FencePosted on The New York Times-By MATT BAI-On November 30, 2010:


End Deficit-Reduction Commissions: ‘They just provide political cover to the politicians who created the deficit.’Posted on National Review Online-By THOMAS SOWELL-On November 16, 2010:


Wielding the Budget Knife: ‘The Bowles-Simpson “illustrative list” is only that — an illustration. But it will give novice legislators an appropriate starting point.’Posted on National Review Online-By ANDREW STILES-On November 15, 2010:


Rough road ahead for Obama, unions as compromises loomPosted on The Hill-By Sam Youngman-On November 11, 2010:


Heritage Reacts to Simpson-Bowles Deficit Reduction Panel ProposalPosted on The Heritage Foundation-On November 10, 2010:


Bowles–Simpson Commission Co-Chair Report: A Good and Welcome First StepPosted on The Heritage Foundation-By Alison Acosta Fraser-On November 10, 2010:


Obama’s Deficit Commission Won’t Help Fiscal CrisisPosted on NewsMax.com-By David Limbaugh-On November 12, 2010:


The Debt Commission is a TrickPosted on Rush Limbaugh-On November 11, 2010:


SEC IG Probes Timing of Goldman Sachs Suit and Financial Reform LegislationPosted on CNSNews.com-By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer-On April 27, 2010:


Goldman execs defend conduct under Senate barrage-Posted on Yahoo News-By MARCY GORDON and TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writers-On April 27, 2010:


Poll: Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One MonthPosted on CNSNews.com-By Christopher Neefus-On April 27, 2010:


Report: ObamaCare will be a total disasterPosted on ExposeObama.com-By Robert Moon, Examiner-On April 27, 2010:


Actress Janine Turner: New Health Care Law Not ‘A Vision of What Our Founding Fathers Would Have Liked’Posted on CNSNews.com-By Edwin Mora-On April 27, 2010:


Did HHS Sect. Sebelius Spike a ReportPosted on ExposeObama.com-By The Prowler, American Thinker-On April 26, 2010:


Economists: The stimulus didn’t helpPosted CNNMoney.com-By Hibah Yousuf, staff reporter-On April 26, 2010:


Wall St. SocialismPosted on The NYPost.com-By Rich Lowry, New York Post-On April 24, 2010:


A letter to the young American-Posted on Weshartlione.wordpress.com-By weshartline-On March 25, 2010:


Note:  The above articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or support my following blog posts-You Decide:

U.S. Debt to Hit $20 Trillion in 10 Years!


The Wall Street Bailout Bill Threatens Our Bottom Line!


Is the Fed’s concept of buying $600 billion of Treasuries just a smokescreen?


Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?


Who or What Was Behind the Financial Crisis?


Who or what caused the economic crisis that propelled President Obama into office?


U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud!


Is Obama Employing the Cloward-Piven Strategy?


Who’s Behind the Financial Crisis?


Manipulation Behind Market Plunge!


Can America Survive Obamanomics and Remain a Capitalist Society?


Obama Bank Crackdown Hits Risk Appetite!


Tyrannical Takeover of Our Financial Services Sector By the Federal Government!


U.S. Racing Toward Debt ‘Shock’


The Audacity of Socialism!


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!

Read Full Post »

Question: Could it be true that DC knows that Obama is ineligible to hold the office of President?

The following article and/or blog post seems to answer this question-You Decide:

DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office; “The certification of constitutional qualification for the office of president”-Posted on CanadaFreePress.com-By JB Williams-On April 24, 2010:


These are pertinent excerpts from this article and/or blog post:

Members from all three branches of the Federal government already know that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible for the office of President. National leaders, to include members of the US Supreme Court, already know that Barack Hussein Obama is not a “natural born citizen” of the United States of America, and therefore, is ineligible for the office he currently holds. (See JB’s new article on The Bottom Line on Natural Born Citizen)

What they don’t know is how long it will take for most Americans to figure it out, or what to do about it.

The diversionary search for an authentic birth certificate is ongoing and Obama has now spent in excess of $2 million in legal fees to keep that search alive.

Eric Holder’s Department of Justice continues to deploy taxpayer funded attorneys around the country to file dismissals on behalf of Obama, denying all American citizens access to the courts as a peaceful remedy, which only fuels the fire of discontent and the questions about Obama persist.

Michelle Obama states that Kenya is Barack’s “home country.” She knows, after twenty years with Barack. The Ambassador or Kenya has confirmed the same His family friends all know it, and are in fact quite proud of the fact that Americans had no hesitation in electing a “black man from Kenya” as President of the United States.

The US Supreme Court knows what the constitutional condition of “natural born citizen” means. Even the most far left member of that court, Justice Ginsberg, is on record proclaiming that a “natural born citizen” is a birth child of TWO legal US citizens.

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi knows that Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible for the office of president, which is why she refused to certify the following language when certifying Obama as the DNC candidate for president in 2008.

This is the normal language for certification of nomination for president and vice president, filed by the DNC only in the state of Hawaii…

This is the language filed by the DNC in the other 49 states, however…

Note that the language which certifies that Barack Hussein Obama meets all constitutional qualifications is missing in the DNC documents filed in 49 of the 50 states. The certification of constitutional qualification for the office of president was filed only in Hawaii. That text is missing in the DNC certification filings for all other states.

Whereas the RNC filed the exact same certification document, including the constitutional text for John McCain in all 50 states, Obama was technically certified in only one state, Hawaii. A mere inconvenient technicality, I’m sure…

The US Congress knows that Barack Hussein Obama is not constitutionally qualified for the office he holds. Although the congress passed a resolution proclaiming Senator John McCain a “natural born citizen” as the son of two US citizens, no such congressional resolution exists for Barack Hussein Obama.

The press knows that Obama is not a “natural born citizen,” having written on several occasions about the “Kenyan born” senator from Chicago. A number of citizens have already been arrested and jailed for asking these questions.

Over four-hundred law suits have been filed across the country asking the courts to force Obama to become the “transparent president” he promised to be, and all four-hundred are being dismissed before discovery, all on the basis that “no citizen has proper legal standing” to ask who and what their president really is…

Over a half-million citizens have now signed a petition demanding to see Obama’s birth records.

Numerous members of the US Military have refused deployment orders from Obama, on the basis that he refuses to evidence his constitutional qualifications to issue such orders. In most cases, the soldiers have simply been reassigned, so as to avoid any disciplinary action that could end in “defense discovery” which might finally force Obama to open up his files once and for all.

Now an eighteen year veteran flight surgeon and active Lt. Colonel faces court martial as he makes his demands for proof that Obama is constitutionally eligible to issue orders as Commander-in-Chief.

Obama’s entire domestic, foreign and national defense agenda has proven to be wholly anti-American.

Obama’s entire domestic, foreign and national defense agenda has proven to be wholly anti-American on every possible level. Still, the answers concerning who and what Barack Hussein Obama Jr. really is remain elusive in the face of unprecedented efforts to ask the right questions.

No matter who asks, how they ask or where they ask, not one single individual in Washington DC or even state government seems willing to weigh in on the most important issue of our era. Who and what is the man sitting in the people’s White House?

How in the hell did we get an overtly anti-American resident of the people’s White House without so much as a simple birth certificate to prove who this person really is?

And why won’t a single elected representative of the people engage in the effort to force an answer to this question?

The answers to these and many more questions are likely very simple and equally chilling…

The Speaker of the House does not refuse to certify her candidate as “constitutionally qualified” in forty-nine of fifty states by accident.

Nobody spends $2 million in legal fees to hide an authentic birth certificate. The Speaker of the House does not refuse to certify her candidate as “constitutionally qualified” in forty-nine of fifty states by accident. A press that knew he was the “first Kenyan born senator” didn’t forget that he was Kenyan born when he decided to run for president.

Most importantly, the people DO have a right (read – proper standing) to ask who and what their president really is, in any court, any time. And soldiers are court-martialed for refusing orders, unless those orders were issued by an illegitimate Commander-in-Chief.

DC knows what most Americans have yet to figure out…

Obama is NOT a natural born citizen no matter where he might have been born. Obama’s birth father was at no time an American citizen and on this basis alone, Obama cannot be a constitutionally qualified resident of the White House.

They know something else that the American people have yet to figure out…

The US Constitution no longer stands as the governing law of this land. Obama’s many unconstitutional policies, Czars, executive orders and statements provide the proof, and the fact that nobody in DC cares whether or not Obama is constitutionally qualified to be president of the United States should send a shiver down the spine of every red blooded American citizen, no matter their partisan agendas.

The people willing to ask the tough questions are deemed crackpots and conspiracy theorists, racists or bigots. But those tough questions should be obvious questions to all Americans and every president should have to answer those questions, no matter race, creed, color or party affiliation.

I fear that those questions will only be answered at the tip of pitch forks and torches one day. Sooner or later, the people will run out of patience with a system built to exclude them. When that day comes, I fear what methods will be employed and whether or not there will be a country left to save by then.

But sooner or later, one way or another, Obama will have to answer those questions. One day, the world will know who and what this man is and there will be a day of reckoning like no other in American history.

The longer it takes for that day to arrive, the more dangerous the situation will become. A man not even qualified to hold the office is using that office to destroy the greatest nation on earth. How much patience can the people be expected to display?

Obama is not eligible for the office he currently holds and everyone in a position to know – already know.

What they don’t know is how much longer they can keep it all a secret, or what will happen next.”

Note:  What follows is a letter that was drafted by Mr. Lucas Daniel Smith and mailed to United States Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi on July 4, 2010, which provided her with a Certified True Copy of President Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate that he personally obtained in February 2009 from his birth hospital in Mombasa, Kenya-You Decide:

Letter addressed to United States Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi on July 4, 2010:


Note:  What follows is an article and/or blog post that was recently published by Media Matters for America, an ultra Liberal news outlet funded by George Soros (Obama’s puppet master), whose sole mission is take down Fox News through its unrelenting and outrages attacks-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

FLASHBACK: When Fox News Ignored The Birther Story In 2008Posted on Media Matters-By Eric Boehlert-On April 14, 2011:


Note:The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts-You Decide:  

Response Received From Our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted by Jake Martinez-On May 8, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 30, 2012:


CNN: Trump Makes ‘Stunning Claim’ About Obama Birth CertificatePosted on The Blaze-By Scott Baker-On April 26, 2011:


Hawaii senator questions Obama’s true birth father: ‘There is information, for reasons known only to him, he doesn’t want released’Posted on WND.com-On April 24, 2011:


White House Blasts Franklin Graham for Birther CommentPosted on NewsMax.com-On April 25, 2011:


Franklin Graham Curious About Obama Birth IssuePosted on NewsMax.com-By Hiram Reisner-On April 24, 2011:


Breitbart: Obama story has ‘Swiss cheese holes’: ‘He’s probably been videotaped millions of times, yet we don’t know anything about him’Posted on WND.com-On April 22, 2011:


What if the Birthers are right?-Posted on Hot Air Green Room-By SUSANANNE HILLER-On April 20, 2011:


Obama social security number questionedPosted on YouTube.com-By microserf2001-On Jun 19, 2010:


Trump offers support for Ind. senator’s birther billPosted on WishTv.com-On April 22, 2011:


Trump Gives Heated Interview To ABC: ‘Obama & His Minions‘ Have ’Co-opted You’Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On April 19, 2011:


Video: Bachmann, Let’s Inspect Obama’s Birth CertificatePosted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On April 18, 2011:


Newspaper Publishers in the Black Community Think Barack Obama is Foreign BornPosted on The RedState-By Erick Erickson (Profile)-On April 17, 2011:


Trump poll triumph built on doubting Obama’s birth: ‘President should just release full birth documentation ending legitimacy questions’Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times-On April 12, 2011:


Obama may have a criminal past…Posted on No We Won’t-By Rick Perry-On April 1, 2011:


Retired Army general: Lt. Col. Lakin has ‘valid point’: ‘He has right to discovery. Producing birth certificate is very important’-Posted on WND.com-By Chelsea Schilling-On April 23, 2010:


Bill Would Shun Obama Birth Certificate RequestsPosted on NewsMax.com-On April 21, 2010:


Army officer ‘flagged’ for challenging Obama: ‘It means there can be no favorable actions taken for me’Posted on WND.com-On April 20, 2010:


Approaching apocalypse: Will Obama docs surface? “Attorney hints proof of eligibility will come up in officer’s defense”Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On April 20, 2010:


Note: The above articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support my following blog posts-You Decide:

Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Why Obama is ineligible – regardless of his birthplace!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Nearly 1/2 of U.S. Citizens Are Now Saying That Obama Is Not A Legitimate President!


First Time In History That a Member of Congress Has Questioned a Sitting President’s Eligibility!


President Obama’s Eligibility Status:


The Obama Birth Certificate Protection Act!


Exclusive: A Letter to Rupert Murdoch on the Obama Birth Certificate Question!


Senior Citizens & Others Disgustingly Kept In Dark By The MSM!


President Obama’s Eligibility Status Press Release!


Letters & E-Mails Sent Requesting President Obama’s Eligibility Status:


Key Witness In Obama’s Passport Fraud Case Fatally Shot:


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:


Where Is America Today?


Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!

Read Full Post »

Question: Could it be true that President Obama’s fingerprints are on Franklin Graham’s (Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer) dis-invitation from the National Day of Prayer services at the Pentagon?

This recent article and/or blog post seems to reveal the answer to this question-You Decide:

Letters To Leaders: Obama Fingerprints On Franklin Graham Dis-Invitation? CAIR the terrorist org? WHO?Posted on Congress.org-On April 27, 2010:


These are pertinent excerpts from this letter:


President Barack Obama

Rep. Bobby Scott

Sen. Jim Webb

Sen. Mark Warner

April 27, 2010

Exactly who gave the order to dis-invite Franklin Graham from the National Day of Prayer service? … Who made the decision? … Did individuals in the Obama White House help coordinate this hostile attack?

Are the American people really supposed to believe that the Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer (Graham) was dis-invited because of obscure and factual comments he made against radical-Islam almost a decade ago… even though we are still at war with radical Islamic terrorists today?

Or is there more to this story? Is the rescinding of Graham’s invitation, and the horrendous and scurrilous personal attacks against him, just part of a coordinated and hostile attack by the radical left and the Obama White House to diminish and eradicate the religious traditions that made this country great?

Andrea Lafferty, with the Traditional Values Coalition has already called it an “engineered” attack which “has the fingerprints of Barack Obama’s White House all over it.”

The American people deserve to know exactly who issued the asinine and egregious order to dis-invite Reverend Franklin Graham from the National Day of Prayer service and that the American people need to know all the details… even if it takes a full-scale congressional investigation.

Furthermore, let them know that heads need to roll. The American people will not be trifled with and will not take hostile attacks on our religious liberties and the traditions that made this country great lying down.

There Was No Massive Outcry To Dis-Invite Graham.

As you may already suspect, there was no massive outcry to dis-invite Graham from the National Day of Prayer observance.

The only “substantive” objection to Graham’s appearance at the National Day of Prayer service came from a tiny fringe organization which deceptively calls itself the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).

Of course, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — an un-indicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism funding case in America’s history — joined MRFF in the protest… but, make no mistake, MRFF carried the water on this jihad.

Left-wing journalist David Corn, in a hit-piece titled “National Day of Prayer: Franklin Graham Deserved to Be Booted,” wrote: “After learning of the invitation extended to Graham, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a watchdog group, objected to his participation, noting Graham’s presence would offend Muslim employees at the Pentagon….”

The MRFF claims it lodged the investigation on behalf of “a courageous community” of military personnel “of the Muslim faith at the Pentagon.” However, the members of this “courageous community” have also, remained “courageously” anonymous.

But that’s not the only detail of this whole sordid affair that is still under wraps. What Corn and the Mainstream Media are NOT telling you is that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is the brain-child of Mickey Weinstein… it’s essentially a one-man organization and this man (Weinstein) has been on a vindictive, personal, irrational and malevolent jihad to bully public officials and agencies into eradicating the religious liberties of our brave men and women in uniform for over a decade.

“Malevolent, personal jihad?” … admittedly those are strong words… but that’s not just our opinion. Weinstein’s actions, and the bile that has issued forth from his own mouth for years, make the assertion indisputable.

And Weinstein, of course, is not alone in this quest to eradicate the religious liberties of the men and women who bravely serve our country… and it’s a quest that must be stopped.

Who Is Mickey Weinstein?

But before we go into more details, you might want to know a little more about Mickey Weinstein. Some of what you are about to read is shocking… we couldn’t make it up if we tried.

Back in 2000, when a Christian group shot a video that showed — among other things — military officers praying and expressing their faith, Weinstein went ballistic. He ranted: “These people should be court-martialed” and he irrationally claimed that people of faith were trying to transform the military into a “’frickin’ faith-based initiative.”

In October 2005, Weinstein actually sued the United States Air Force in an attempt to silence military officers from expressing their faith. Fortunately, U.S. District Judge James A. Parker, who presided over Weinstein v. U.S. Air Force, dismissed the case.

In 2008, Weinstein, during an interview with The Philadelphia Jewish Voice called Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, the “Jesus Chainsaw Massacre.”

In that same interview Weinstein called the Officers’ Christian Fellowship the “Christian Taliban” and compared deeply-held expressions of faith by Christians in the military to “yelling fire in a crowded movie theater.”

Weinstein also accused Christians, who dared to share the Gospel, of “preying” (yes… that’s “preying” … with a “e”) on others.

He called support, within the Christian community, for Jews and the State of Israel (in his own words), the “First Thanksgiving Theory.” Weinstein explains his whacked theory as follows; “the Pilgrims loved the turkey the night before the first Thanksgiving. It is all about fattening the herd for the slaughter that is coming….”

And Weinstein proudly admits to belonging to a variety of extreme left-wing organizations… People for the American Way… Americans United for Separation of Church and State… and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The fact that leftists like David Corn and other fifth-columnists of the Mainstream Media would give an irrational extremist like Weinstein a platform and an undeserved veneer of respectability should not come as a shock.

But the fact that the defense department, absent any legitimate outcry, would give radicals like Weinstein and CAIR the time of day and dis-invited Franklin Graham from participating in the National Day of Prayer service is an offense that the American people should not take lying down.

It simply does not pass the sniff test. That’s just one reason why we must know WHO gave the order… and WHY they gave the order… and the individual (or individuals) who gave the order within the defense department or the Obama Administration must be exposed and summarily punished…. and we can make that happen.

Graham… The Target Du Jour.

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin wrote:

“It’s truly a sad day when such a fine patriotic man [Graham], whose son is serving on his fourth deployment in Afghanistan to protect our freedom of speech and religion, is dis-invited from speaking at the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer service. His comments in 2001 were aimed at those who are so radical that they would kill innocent people and subjugate women in the name of religion.”

“Are we really so hyper-politically correct that we can’t abide a Christian minister who expresses his views on matters of faith? What a shame. Yes, things have changed.”

Palin’s comments are an understatement.

The idiocy that is transpiring is NOT about Franklin Graham, or comments Graham made that are being taken out of context… it’s bigger… it’s about sabotaging and diminishing the National Day of Prayer… it’s about eradicating the religious liberties of the brave men and women who proudly serve this country at a time when we are still at war against Islamic terrorists.

Graham is simply the target-du-jour and the left is simply following the 12th rule of Saul Alinski’s Rules for Radicals:

“Rule 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

And Graham is a significant target. Another thing that the media is not telling you is that Graham was much more than an “invited speaker” at the National Day of Prayer service… Graham is the Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer.

If you want to destroy the National Day of Prayer… go for the head. And, of course, the added benefit for the left is that as long as the Mainstream Media focuses on Graham… on what he said… or didn’t say… the American people lose sight of the much broader threat we are facing.

There’s a much bigger plot afoot here… the plot must be exposed… and the ringleaders must be exposed and punished.

Remember… The National Day Of Prayer Is Unconstitutional… A Radical Left-Wing Judge Decreed It From On High.

The news cycle is often too rapid… which is why many have already forgotten that on April 15th, a Jimmy Carter-appointed, radical left-wing U.S. District judge in Madison Wisconsin (Barbara Brandriff Crabb) decreed that the National Day of Prayer is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

The ruling was so whacked that it sent shock-waves through the country.

Mathew Staver, president of Liberty Counsel and dean of the Liberty University School of Law told CNSNews.com:

“If the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional, then the Constitution itself is unconstitutional.”

The Internet website GatewayPundit.com wrote:

“The commie left was at it again yesterday…. They will not be content until Christianity is erased from society.”

But Judge Crabb didn’t finish the job. The court also ruled that the National Day of Prayer could continue until the case made its way through the appeals process.

Then… days later, the Franklin Graham controversy came to a head and the defense department dis- invited him from the event.

Coincidence? … The second punch in a one-two combination?

Disputanta , VA”

Note: These articles and/or blog posts seem to provide us with an idea of how this President and his administration have dealt with the “Muslim Prayer Day,” “National Day of Prayer” and other prayer events-What’s wrong with this picture? –You Decide:

Muslim Prayer Day Illustrates Dynamics of Free Speech in U.S.: ‘Capitol Hill prayer service draws worshippers and some protesters’-Posted on America.gov-By Howard Cincotta,
Staff Writer-On October 29, 2010:


Obama ends Bush-era National Prayer Day service at White House-Posted on LA Times-By Johanna Neuman-On May 7, 2009:


Al-Qaeda STILL on Capitol HillPosted on Big Peace-By Patrick S. Poole-On October 14, 2010:


Note: These recent articles and/or blog posts related to and/or support the above letter-You Decide:

92 Percent of Americans Believe in God; Only 5 Percent Oppose National Day of PrayerPosted on CNSNews.com-On May 6, 2010:


Franklin Graham: ‘God Used’ Judge Who Ruled National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional ‘to Accomplish His Purposes’Posted on CNSNews.com-BY Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer-On May 7, 2010:


Feminists and Franklin GrahamPosted on BigGovernment.com-By Danielle Avel-On May 2, 2010:


Republican Congressmen Urge Defense Department to Re-Invite Franklin Graham to National Day of Prayer EventPosted on CNSNews.com-By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor-On May 6, 2010:


Lawmaker Calls for Hearings into Pentagon’s ‘Politically Correct’ Decisions to ‘Disinvite’ Conservative Christian LeadersPosted on CNSNews-By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor-By April 26, 2010:


Obama Fingerprints On Franklin Graham Dis-Invitation?-Posted on Abramsseed.blogspot.com-On April 27, 2010:


Obama White House Dumps Franklin Graham as CAIR Celebrates: “Graham “Disinvitation” To Pray At Pentagon Casts A Dark Shadow Over America’s Future”Posted on RightSideNews.com-On April 25, 2010:


The Pentagon Prayer FightPosted on The Daily Beast-By James Carroll-On April 24, 2010:






Note: These articles and/or blog posts and letter relate to and/or support my recent blog posts-You Decide:

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S.!


Rising Muslim Hopes from Obama’s Outreach May Backfire!


What do American Citizens Know About “Sharia Law” and Is It Something That We Should Know More About?


The Obama Administration Allows Tariq Ramadan To Travel To The U.S.!


The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets!


Are Intelligence Personnel Empowered to Employ Their Ingenuity and Resourcefulness to Connect The Dots?


Radical Movement’s Leader Forecasts America’s Demise!


Europe’s Looming Demise: Changes on the Continent Cloud Our Future!


Sen. Obama’s Radical Islamic Past and Ties To Terrorist Groups:


Do Alinsky’s Rules Define This Administration’s Governing Style?


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


Have Americans Stopped Having Confidence In Their Government?


Were we forewarned about what to expect if President Obama got elected?


Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 10, 2008:


A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!

Read Full Post »

Question: Did Goldman Sachs have something to do with our current financial economic crisis?

This recent article seems to answer this question-You Decide:

U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud!-Posted on The New York Times-By LOUISE STORY and GRETCHEN MORGENSON-On April 16, 2010:


These are pertinent excerpts from this article:

Goldman Sachs, which emerged relatively unscathed from the financial crisis, was accused of securities fraud in a civil suit filed Friday by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which claims the bank created and sold a mortgage investment that was secretly devised to fail.

The move marks the first time that regulators have taken action against a Wall Street deal that helped investors capitalize on the collapse of the housing market. Goldman itself profited by betting against the very mortgage investments that it sold to its customers.

The suit also named Fabrice Tourre, a vice president at Goldman who helped create and sell the investment.

The instrument in the S.E.C. case, called Abacus 2007-AC1, was one of 25 deals that Goldman created so the bank and select clients could bet against the housing market. Those deals, which were the subject of an article in The New York Times in December, initially protected Goldman from losses when the mortgage market disintegrated and later yielded profits for the bank.

As the Abacus deals plunged in value, Goldman and certain hedge funds made money on their negative bets, while the Goldman clients who bought the $10.9 billion in investments lost billions of dollars.

According to the complaint, Goldman created Abacus 2007-AC1 in February 2007, at the request of John A. Paulson, a prominent hedge fund manager who earned an estimated $3.7 billion in 2007 by correctly wagering that the housing bubble would burst.

Goldman let Mr. Paulson select mortgage bonds that he wanted to bet against — the ones he believed were most likely to lose value — and packaged those bonds into Abacus 2007-AC1, according to the S.E.C. complaint. Goldman then sold the Abacus deal to investors like foreign banks, pension funds, insurance companies and other hedge funds.

But the deck was stacked against the Abacus investors, the complaint contends, because the investment was filled with bonds chosen by Mr. Paulson as likely to default. Goldman told investors in Abacus marketing materials reviewed by The Times that the bonds would be chosen by an independent manager.

Mr. Paulson is not being named in the lawsuit.

In recent months, Goldman has repeatedly defended its actions in the mortgage market, including its own bets against it. In a letter published last week in Goldman’s annual report, the bank rebutted criticism that it had created, and sold to its clients, mortgage-linked securities that it had little confidence in.

“We certainly did not know the future of the residential housing market in the first half of 2007 anymore than we can predict the future of markets today,” Goldman wrote. “We also did not know whether the value of the instruments we sold would increase or decrease.”

The letter continued: “Although Goldman Sachs held various positions in residential mortgage-related products in 2007, our short positions were not a ‘bet against our clients.’ ” Instead, the trades were used to hedge other trading positions, the bank said.

In a statement provided in December to The Times as it prepared the article on the Abacus deals, Goldman said that it had sold the instruments to sophisticated investors and that these securities “were popular with many investors prior to the financial crisis because they gave investors the ability to work with banks to design tailored securities which met their particular criteria, whether it be ratings, leverage or other aspects of the transaction.”

Goldman was one of many Wall Street firms that created complex mortgage securities — known as synthetic collateralized debt obligations — as the housing wave was cresting. At the time, traders like Mr. Paulson, as well as those within Goldman, were looking for ways to short the overheated market.

Such investments consisted of insurance-like policies written on mortgage bonds. If the mortgage market held up and those bonds did well, investors who bought Abacus notes would have made money from the insurance premiums paid by investors like Mr. Paulson, who were negative on housing and had bought insurance on mortgage bonds. Instead, defaults spread and the bonds plunged, generating billion of dollars in losses for Abacus investors and billions in profits for Mr. Paulson.

For months, S.E.C. officials have been examining mortgage bundles like Abacus that were created across Wall Street. The commission has been interviewing people who structured Goldman mortgage deals about Abacus and other, similar instruments. The S.E.C. advised Goldman that it was likely to face a civil suit in the matter, sending the bank what is known as a Wells notice.

Mr. Tourre was one of Goldman’s top workers running the Abacus deal, peddling the investment to investors across Europe. Raised in France, Mr. Tourre moved to the United States in 2000 to earn his master’s in operations at Stanford. The next year, he began working at Goldman, according to his profile in LinkedIn.

He rose to prominence working on the Abacus deals under a trader named Jonathan M. Egol. Now a managing director at Goldman, Mr. Egol is not being named in the S.E.C. suit.

Goldman structured the Abacus deals with a sharp eye on the credit ratings assigned to the mortgage bonds associated with the instrument, the S.E.C. said. In the Abacus deal in the S.E.C. complaint, Mr. Paulson pinpointed those mortgage bonds that he believed carried higher ratings than the underlying loans deserved. Goldman placed insurance on those bonds — called credit-default swaps — inside Abacus, allowing Mr. Paulson to short them while clients on the other side of the trade wagered that they would not fail.

But when Goldman sold shares in Abacus to investors, the bank and Mr. Tourre only disclosed the ratings of those bonds and did not disclose that Mr. Paulson was on other side, betting those ratings were wrong.

Mr. Tourre at one point complained to an investor who was buying shares in Abacus that he was having trouble persuading Moody’s to give the deal the rating he desired, according to the investor’s notes, which were provided to The Times by a colleague who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to release them.

In seven of Goldman’s Abacus deals, the bank went to the American International Group for insurance on the bonds. Those deals have led to billions of dollars in losses at A.I.G., which was the subject of an $180 billion taxpayer rescue. The Abacus deal in the S.E.C. complaint was not one of them.

That deal was managed by ACA Management, a part of ACA Capital Holdings, which changed its name in 2008 to Manifold Capital Holdings.

Goldman at first intended for the deal to contain $2 billion of mortgage exposure, according to the deal’s marketing documents, which were given to The Times by an Abacus investor.

On the cover of that flip-book, it says that the mortgage bond portfolio would be “selected by ACA Management.”

In that flip-book, it says that Goldman may have long or short positions in the bonds. It does not mention Mr. Paulson or say that Goldman was in fact short.

The Abacus deals deteriorated rapidly when the housing market hit trouble. For instance, in the Abacus deal in the S.E.C. complaint, 84 percent of the mortgages underlying it were downgraded by rating agencies just five months later, according to a UBS report.

It takes time for such mortgage investments to pay out for investors who short them, like Mr. Paulson. Each deal is structured differently, but generally, the bonds underlying the investment must deteriorate to a certain point before short-sellers get paid. By the end of 2007, Mr. Paulson’s credit hedge fund was up 590 percent.

Mr. Paulson’s firm, Paulson & Company, is paid a management fee and 20 percent of the annual profits that its funds generate, according to a Paulson investor document from late 2008 titled “Navigating Through the Crisis.”

Note: These recent articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or support the above article-You Decide:

Prosecutors Ask if 8 Banks Duped Rating AgenciesPosted on The New York Times-By LOUISE STORY-On May 12, 2010:


Most Senators Who Questioned Goldman Sachs Also Took Money From Its PAC and EmployeesPosted on CNSNews.com-BY Matt Cover, Staff Writer-On May 5, 2010:


Buffett: Nothing Improper in Goldman Transaction “Legendary Investor Says Goldman Head Lloyd Blankfein Should Stay Put, Calls Major Financial Failures ‘Disgusting’”Posted on ABCNews.com-By By BIANNA GOLODRYGA, MAUREEN WHITE and LEE FERRAN-On May 3, 2010:


Feds open criminal probe of Goldman-Posted on Yahoo News-By MARCY GORDON, AP Business Writer-On April 30, 2010:


Obama “Consumer Protection Czar” Linked to Goldman Sachs Mortgage ScandalPosted on DancingCzars.wordpress.com-On April 24, 2010:


Goldman Sachs Messages Show It Thrived as Economy FellPosted on The New York Times-By LOUISE STORY, SEWELL CHAN and GRETCHEN MORGENSON-On April 24, 2010:


Obama Lies about Campaign Donors-Posted on ExposeObama.com-On April 23, 2010:


An Incurious Media or a Four-Leaf-Clover PresidentPosted on CNSNews.com-By Dan Gainor-On April 22, 2010:


Big Government in Bed with Big BusinessPosted on RealClearPolitics.com-By Michael Barone-On April 22, 2010:


Obama to Wall Street: ‘Join Us, Instead of Fighting Us’Posted on The New York Times-By PETER BAKER-On April 22, 2010:


Goldman Sachs wants regulation, not laissez-fairePosted on The WashingtonExaminer.com-By Timothy P. Carney, Examiner Columnist-On April 21, 2010:


Is Goldman Obama’s Enron? No, it’s worse (Updated)-Posted on The WashingtonExaminer.com-By J.P. Freire, Associate Commentary Editor-On April 20, 2010:


Goldman Sachs Hires Ex Obama CounselPosted on NewsMax.com-On April 20, 2010:


Will Obama Return $994,795 in Goldan Sachs Campaign Contributions?-Posted on OpenSecrets.org:


Goldman’s Earnings Fail to Shift Focus From Fraud CasePosted on The New York Times-By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ-On April 20, 2010:


Hedge Fund Manager in Goldman Sachs Fraud Case is a Major Donor to Both Democrats and RepublicansPosted on OpenSecrets.org-By Michael Beckel-On April 16, 2010:


IG Report: “SEC Aware In ’97 Stanford Likely Running Ponzi Scheme”Posted on NewsMorningStar.com-On April 16, 2010:


Soros Warns of Market CrashPosted on MoneyNews.com-On April 15, 2010:




Note: This article relates to and/or supports my recent blog post-You Decide:

Who’s Behind the Financial Crisis?


Were We Forewarned About What to Expect If President Obama Got Elected?


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!

Read Full Post »

Question:  Were you aware that first there was a Missouri Analysis and Information Center (MIAC) Report that profiled certain individuals as being potential violence-prone “militia members”, then there was a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “extremist” report, and now there is a New York Congressman’s bill that was introduced in the House of Representatives that denies Second Amendment rights to everyone listed on these reports?

The following article and/or blog post reveals that the MIAC profiled certain people as being potential violence-prone “militia members,” including people who supported Presidential candidates Ron Paul, and Bob Barr.  In addition, anyone who opposed one or more of the following were also included on the list: the New World Order, the U.N., gun control, the violation of Posse Comitatus, the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, the Ammunition Accountability Act, a possible Constitutional Convention, the North American Union, the Universal Service Program, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), abortion on demand, or illegal immigration-You Decide:

It’s Getting Very Serious Now!-Posted by Chuck Baldwin-NewWithViews.Com-On May 12, 2009:


These are pertinent excerpts from this article:

First, it was a Missouri Analysis and Information Center (MIAC) report; then it was a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report; now it is a New York congressman’s bill.

Each of these items, taken on their own, is problematic enough; taken together they portend “a clear and present danger” to the liberties of the American people. It is getting very serious now.

As readers may recall, the MIAC report profiled certain people as being potential violence-prone “militia members”: including people who supported Presidential candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and myself.

In addition, anyone who opposed one or more of the following were also included in the list: the New World Order, the U.N., gun control, the violation of Posse Comitatus, the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, the Ammunition Accountability Act, a possible Constitutional Convention, the North American Union, the Universal Service Program, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), abortion on demand, or illegal immigration.

The MIAC report prompted a firestorm of protest, and was eventually rescinded, with the man responsible for its distribution being dismissed from his position.

The DHS report profiled many of the same people included in the MIAC report, and added returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans as potentially dangerous “extremists.”

As I have said before, it is very likely that when all of the opinions and views of the above lists are counted, 75% or more of the American people would be included. Yet, these government reports would have law enforcement personnel to believe we are all dangerous extremists that need to be watched and guarded against.

If this was not bad enough, a New York congressman has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to deny Second Amendment rights to everyone listed above.

According to World Net Daily, May 9, 2009, “A new gun law being considered in Congress, if aligned with Department of Homeland Security memos labeling everyday Americans a potential ‘threats,’ could potentially deny firearms to pro-lifers, gun-rights advocates, tax protesters, animal rights activists, and a host of others–any already on the expansive DHS watch list for potential ‘extremism.’

“Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., has sponsored H.R. 2159, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009, which permits the attorney general to deny transfer of a firearm to any ‘known or suspected dangerous terrorist.’

The bill requires only that the potential firearm transferee is ‘appropriately suspected’ of preparing for a terrorist act and that the attorney general has a reasonable belief’ that the gun might be used in connection with terrorism.

“Gun rights advocates, however, object to the bill’s language, arguing that it enables the federal government to suspend a person’s Second Amendment rights without any trial or legal proof and only upon suspicion of being ‘dangerous.’”

WND quotes Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt as saying, “By [DHS] standards, I’m one of [DHS Secretary] Janet Napolitano’s terrorists.

This bill would enable the attorney general to put all of the people who voted against Obama on no-gun lists, because according to the DHS, they’re all potential terrorists. Actually, we could rename this bill the Janet Napolitano Frenzied Fantasy Implementation Act of 2009.”

Pratt was also quoted as saying, “Unbeknownst to us, some bureaucrat in the bowels of democracy can put your name on a list, and your Second Amendment rights are toast.”

He went on to say, “This such an anti-American bill, this is something King George III would have done.”

Now that DHS has established both a list and a lexicon for “extremists,” it looks to Congress to confer upon it police-state-style powers through which these individuals may be disarmed and eventually done away with. Rep. Peter King is accommodating this goal with H.R. 2159.

Let me ask a reasonable question:

how long does anyone think it would be, after being profiled by DHS and denied the lawful purchase of firearms, that those same people would be subjected to gun confiscation?

And how long do you think it would be before DHS began profiling more and more groups of people, thus subjecting them to gun confiscation?

This was exactly the strategy employed by Adolf Hitler. The Jews were the first people denied their civil rights–especially the right to own and possess firearms. Of course, after disarming Jews, the rest of the German citizenry was likewise disarmed. And we all know where that led.

I’m not sure how many of the American people realize that it was the attempted confiscation of the colonialists’ cache of arms in Concord, Massachusetts, that started America’s War for Independence.

Yes, my friends, it was attempted gun confiscation that triggered (pun intended) the “shot heard ’round the world.” And now it would appear that, once again, a central government is on the verge of trying to deny the American people their right to keep and bear arms.

I am told that as of 2004, 50% of the adults in the United States own one or more firearms, totaling some 270 million privately owned firearms nationwide.

I would venture to say that the vast majority of these gun owners would find themselves matching the DHS profile of a potential “extremist.”

I wonder how many gun owners realize the way they are now being targeted by their government, and just how serious–and how close–the threat of gun confiscation has become?

If one doubts the intention of the elitists in government today to deny the American people their right to keep and bear arms, consider what former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is purported to have said just a couple of weeks ago.

Kissinger attended a high-level meeting with Russian President Medvedev that also included former Secretaries of State James Baker and George Shultz; former Secretary of Defense William Perry; and former Senator Sam Nunn.

Included in the discussions was Kissinger’s assertion that the American people were now ready to accept a “New Global Order.”

He is also reported to have told Medvedev, “By September we’ll have confiscated all privately owned guns so it really doesn’t matter what we do, we’ll still be in charge.”

(Even though the national news media has not reported this statement, the Internet is abuzz with Kissinger having said it. Whether Kissinger actually made that statement or not, he, and rest of his ilk, have repeatedly called for a New World Order, in which there will be no constitutional protection for the right to keep and bear arms.)

This leads to a very serious question:

How many of America’s gun owners would allow their government to deny them gun ownership?

Further, how many would passively sit back and allow their guns to be confiscated?

As humbly and meekly as I know how to say it: as for me and my house, gun confiscation is the one act of tyranny that crosses the line; debate, discourse, discussion, and peaceful dissent cease and desist at that point.

I say again, it is getting very serious now.”

Note:  What follows are other articles and/or blog posts and videos that directly relate to the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:

ALG Blasts Missouri Information Analysis Center For Retaining No Records of Erroneous MIAC “Modern Militia Movement” Report!-Posted on AxXiom For Liberty-By AxXiom-On December 30, 2009:


Report from Missouri Information Analysis Center is absurd!-Posted on The Missourian-By J KARL MILLER-On March 31, 2009:


Report fuels debate as state reins in MIAC!-Posted on The Cloumbian Tribune-By T.J. GREANEY-Updated on March 26, 2009:


Fusion Centers’ Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By Joshua Rhett Miller-On March 23, 2009:


Video: MIAC – Constitutionalists are terrorists!-Posted on YouTube.com-By heConstitutionMan-On March 23, 2009:


Video: Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette on MIAC report!-Posted on YouTube.com-By JaseLP22-On March 19, 2009:


Video: Rush Limbaugh – MIAC Missouri Information Analysis Center, Ron Paul, Bumper Stickers, Militia!-Posted on YouTube.com-By robpatozz-On March 18, 2009:


Missouri Travel Warning: Missouri Police Wrongfully Target Domestic Terrorist – Ary You One?Posted on Black Hills Today-By Scott Prentice:


MIAC Strategic Report on The Modern Melitia-2009!-Posted on The United American Freedom Foundation:


Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Kurt Nimmo,
Infowars-On March 11, 2009:


Note:  What follows are three articles and/or blog posts that reveal what occurred during a SWAT Team raid that was conducted while serving a warrant at the home of a former Marine’s home in Tucson, AZ on May 5, 2011, which begs to question whether or not we are beginning to witness actions by this President and his minions that normally take place in a police state, which I believe relate to and/or support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:

I.  Former Marine killed by SWAT was acting in defense, family says!Posted on KGun9.com-By Joel Waldman-Updated on May 27, 2011:


“TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) – New details are emerging about Jose Guerena, the man killed last Thursday in a SWAT incident at his Tucson home. He was gunned down by SWAT members while his wife and young child hid in a closet.

Now, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department has taken responsibility for the fatal shooting. The SWAT team said it was just executing a narcotics search warrant when Guerena threatened officers with a military rifle.

But the Sheriff’s Department has changed its story on whether Guerena actually fired at anyone.

On Tuesday, candles and tributes to Guerena could be seen outside his home.  Family members said the 26-year-old former Marine served two tours of duty in Iraq. 

A smashed window and a barrage of bullet holes might be the type of scene a battle-hardened Marine would find in a war zone but not the Tucson home he shared with his two children and wife.  Guerena’s wife, Vanessa, said her husband died thinking he was protecting his family from an invasion.

“I saw this guy pointing me at the window.  So, I got scared.  And, I got like, ‘Please don’t shoot, I have a baby.’ I put my baby (down). (And I) put bag in window. And, I yell ‘Jose! Jose! Wake up!’” she explained.

Jose had just come home from working at the mine.  Vanessa said he had fallen asleep two hours before, only to wake up to chaos in his house.

It was Pima County SWAT executing a narcotics conspiracy search warrant, but according to her, neither she nor her husband knew it was the authorities until it was too late.

“You’re saying only (they) yelled SWAT after the shootout?” asked KGUN9 reporter Joel Waldman.

“Oh, yes! Yes,” said Guerena.

Vanessa said Jose grabbed a gun to protect himself from what he thought were home invaders.

The Pima County Sheriff’s Office denies that officers failed to identify themselves.  Lt. Michael O’Connor told KGUN9’s Joel Waldman that the SWAT team has a standard procedure when serving high-risk search warrants of this nature designed to prevent the suspect from confusing officers with criminal home invaders.

“We will have a lot police vehicles there, with their lights and their sirens on.  In this case… because it was a narcotics high risk type of a search warrant, we had our large armored vehicle there with the markings on it.  It also has lights and sirens, it was going.  So we do everything we can to portray the image that we are law enforcement, we are not home invaders.”

O’Connor also said emphatically that this was not a “no knock” raid.  “This case was, we came in very high profile, lights and sirens.  We go to the door, we pound on the door.  We wait approximately 15 seconds.  If no one answers the door, we breach the door with a heavy tool and open the door.”

The officer said that when the SWAT team got the door open, they found Guerena crouched in the hall pointing an assault rifle at them.  

According to O’Connor, Guerena said, “”I have something for you!”  He said that Guerena “brought this all on himself by presenting himself the way he did.”

Guerena’s relatives disagree.  “Now, they’re saying this now that they admitted for him not shooting back (SIC). They want to throw more dirt on him,” said cousin Oscar Garcia.

Garcia is referring to the issue the change story about whether Guerena fired his gun.  Initially investigators reported that he had, but then later, they corrected that statement and said that Guerena had not gotten off a shot.  Deputies confirmed that Guerena’s safety was still on when his gun was recovered. Also, officials said that reports that some SWAT officers’ shields were riddled with bullets are also untrue.

SWAT gunned Jose down with 71 rounds fired in just about seven seconds; officials said they did not expect Vanessa to be home with their four-year-old son, Joel, who ended up witnessing his dad’s death.  Now he has questions about what happened, like so many others.

“The only thing he asked me, ‘Mom, my dad a bad guy? They killed my dad! Police killed my dad? Why? What did my dad do?’” explained Ms. Guerena.

Jose’s relatives want his children to know he did his best to be a great husband, dad and patriot.

Authorities told KGUN9 that three other neighborhood homes were targeted Thursday, all tied to a narcotics conspiracy. They say a large amount of cash was found at one of the homes.  But, not at the Guerena house; all they said they found there was “evidence pertinent to the case.”  At this time, officials aren’t saying anything more.  However, Vanessa Guerena has insisted there were no drugs or money in their home.”

II. Ex-Marine’s lawyer opens up about SWAT, questions Sheriff!Posted on KGun9.com-By Joel Waldman-Updated on May 19, 2011:


“TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) – The same day the Pima County Sheriff’s Department issued a letter blasting the media’s coverage of the SWAT shooting death of Jose Guerena, the Guerena family’s attorney is demanding even more answers from authorities.

The May 5 shooting lasted only ten seconds. SWAT burst into a Tucson man’s home on a drug search warrant, fired more than 70 rounds, and left the Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran lying on the floor, fighting for his life.

Guerena’s wife, Vanessa, emerged from the closet she was hiding in with her young son and called for help. She was left alone in the house with her dying husband for about ten minutes after the shooting.

Christopher Scileppi, the family’s attorney, wants to know where SWAT was during that time, and why they didn’t seek medical help for Guerena. He said he understands that law enforcement usually won’t let paramedics run into a potential crime scene until the area has been secured, but he feels that SWAT should have cleared the home within minutes of the shooting.

“Is it your understanding that protocol would call for SWAT to go through the home, clear it, and bring Vanessa and the child out, and not let them linger in there for ten minutes?” asked 9 On Your Side reporter Joel Waldman.

“It is my understanding, and considering what happened and the size of the house, that wouldn’t have taken very long at all,” Scileppi said, adding that his biggest concern is that Guerena wasn’t given medical care after he’d been shot.

“I think it’s tragic on so many levels. On a human, level, it’s tragic. My biggest question is, why was he denied medical attention?”

Paramedics were standing by, but were not allowed to enter the home, despite Vanessa’s pleas to a 911 operator. After an hour and 14 minutes of waiting, emergency responders received word that Guerena was deceased.

“His last thoughts were, ‘I’m defending my home, my wife and children from a home invasion.’”Scileppi told KGUN9.

The search warrants remain sealed, but Sheriff Clarence Dupnik did open up. The Sheriff’s office released a statementWednesday, calling out the media’s “irresponsibility” in asking questions about this case, saying “it is unacceptable and irresponsible to couch those questions with implications of secrecy and a cover-up.”

Scileppi said he took issue with the letter and said the media has helped open the door in answering some puzzling questions. He is expected to announce his collaboration Thursday with a prestigious law firm to help litigate the case.

KGUN9 On Your Side has also learned that the SWAT team has also brought aboard its own attorney, Mike Storey. He represents many law enforcement unions throughout southern Arizona. He declined to speak to KGUN9, but did promise to give some answers on Thursday.”

III.  SWAT raid draws criticism of Sheriff Dupnik!-Posted on KGun9.com-By Claire Doan-Updated on June 2, 2011:


“TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) – The raid on former Marine Jose Guerena’s home has garnered national and international attention, raising numerous questions about excessive force and proper SWAT protocol, with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik at the center on an increasingly heated and political debate.

The Pima County Sheriff’s Department released limited information on the debate, including yielding hundreds of documents, granting an interview with a lieutenant and raw video on the raid. Meanwhile, Dupnik has refused interviews, citing the need to maintain the integrity of the investigation.

However, the raw video has not quelled the debate over the SWAT raid or stopped questions about Guerena’s death, and it certainly has not ended the growing number of calls for Dupnik to come forward and justify what happened.

“It shows they were a bit overzealous. It shows that the Pima County Sheriff’s Office has got to readdress their entire SWAT usage,” said Richard Mack, former Graham County Sheriff, who is not the only one compelled to speak out.

Brian Miller, chairman of the Pima County Republican Party, said it’s not a matter of political affiliation, but the need to examine larger issues surrounding SWAT policies – not just locally, but nationally.

“Are you telling me that after 20 months of looking at this case, this option was the best they could come up with?”Miller asked, adding that SWAT had safer options, including stopping Guerena on the side of the road or serve the search warrant when he isn’t home. Miller expects the Sheriff to eventually explain why SWAT chose a more confrontational method.

“I obviously ultimately hold him responsible for this. The buck stops with him. He is the chief law enforcement officer of Pima County. The swat answers to him and so the tactics and techniques are used are eventually his call,” Miller said.

Also Dupnik’s calls: releasing as stack of documents and disclosing to the Arizona Daily Star that the raid resulted from a 20-month probe, while confirming there is an informant – all the while, stating that more details would jeopardize the investigation. And that seeming contradiction is giving critics more fuel for the fire.

“I think the hypocrisy exemplified by Sheriff Dupnik since the January 88 shooting. Now I find this one absolutely astonishing. I served with the Sheriff and I though he was smarter than this,” Mack said. “Now, everything is his fault on this one. He’s totally responsible for this entire fiasco.”

KGUN9 News requested an interview with Dupnik, but he was unavailable for comment Wednesday.”

Note What follows are several blog posts that do a meticulous job of revealing that the SWAT Team raid may have demonstrated some tactical incompetence-You Decide:

I. The Jose Guerena Raid: A Demonstration of Tactical Incompetence!-Posted on Captain’s Journal-By HERSCHEL SMITH-On May 27, 2011:


“Helmet camera footage of the SWAT team raid on the home of Jose Guerena has been released.


Bob Owen noticed the same thing I did.  One of the team members fell in the doorway upon breaching and entering the home.  The video speaks for itself, but by way of summary, let’s observe the following.

First, Mr. Guerena’s weapon, contrary to initial accounts by the SWAT team, was never taken off of safety.  The team took no shots from him.  Second, the team mills around for a while before breaching the home.  Third, they don’t form into a stack.  Fourth, absurdly, they knock and allow only four seconds for a response.  Fifth, one of the members falls in the doorway.  Sixth, upon shots being fired (by the SWAT team), more than one team member begins backing away from the incidentSeventh, one of the team members who initially backed away moves forward to fire shots over the heads of other team members who are in the home (it’s a wonder that SWAT team members didn’t get shot by their own team).  All the while, several team members are standing aimlessly outside the home, doing nothing.  Then to top it all off, even though medical responders arrived within minutes, they weren’t allowed into the home for one hour and fourteen minutes.

The Sheriff may as well have sent the Keystone Cops to raid the home.  These clowns shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near weapons.

UPDATE:  Thanks to Glenn Reynolds for the LINK.

UPDATE #2: So I asked a certain former Marine I know (combat tour of Fallujah in 2007) what he thought about this particular raid. Here are his thoughts. This would be hilarious if a man hadn’t died in the process. Tactically speaking, their raid was foolish, and they are guilty of murder. So this SWAT team wanted to “get some?” Great. Go join the Marine Corps and deploy to a foreign country and fight insurgents. You’re supposed to be peace officers, to prevent things like this from happening. As it was, Mr. Guerena thought his home was being invaded, and so what would you do in this circumstance? Well, you go get a weapon and post up. You send rounds down range to protect your family. Mr. Guerena even had the good discipline not to do that. This whole incident was evil.

UPDATE #3: I’ve had a chance to talk with my son about this some more, and a good summary of what this raid was like is to say that “It looks like the Iraqi Army raiding a house.” I had known that the ISF wasn’t present during much of his time in Fallujah (most of the security forces were Marines and IPs), so I asked him, “Why do you say that? Have you seen the Iraqi Army raiding a house?” He said yes, and I responded by asking him what it looked like? He said “It looks like that. Just like that. People falling all over each other, emptying their weapons, shooting at everything, and shooting at nothing.”

II. Further Analysis of the Jose Guerena Raid!Posted on Captain’s Journal-By HERSCHEL SMITH-On May 29, 2011:


III. New Details on the Jose Guerena Raid!-Posted on Captain’s Journal-By HERSCHEL SMITH-On June 2, 2011:


Note:  What follows is a touching article and/or blog, which also includes a video, that reveals an organized march that took place on Memorial Day in Tucson, AZ by members of Oath Keepers to honor former Marine Jose Guerena:

Walking A Mile In Freedom’s Shoes: Oath Keepers Muster * Tucson * Memorial Day, May 30, 2011:


Note:  What follows is a publication that was recently published by the Global Watch Media that takes a look at the possible drivers behind the formation of a one world government and one world currency, along with looking into the groups that are driving this agenda-You Decide:

One World Government Arising!Posted on Weekly Global Watch Media Publication-On January 20, 2012:


NoteWhat follows is an eye-opening article and/or blog post and video that reveal that the U.S. is no longer working under Constitutional Law, along with an alarming article and/or blog post and PDF book by Mark Levin that reveal the undoing of America by central planning “masterminds” and controlling micro-managers who eventually take away our natural, God-given rights and force us into slavery, killing our ideas, our potential and our dreams-You Decide:

My Top 10 Reasons the USA is NO LONGER under Constitutional Law!-Posted on The Gaspee Gazette-On March 13, 2012:


Video: Alarming new issues injected into presidential race!Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 9, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’Posted on CNSNews.com-By Terence P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:


Ameritopia!PDF Book-By Mark Levin-Posted on Sribd:


Note: The following video reveals this President’s open ended authority to literally assassinate any American citizen here at home and abroad without due process-You Decide:

Video: While You Were Sleeping!


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and videos reveal the impact of the Senate declaring war on Americans via the recent passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, and its utterly destructive attitude towards the Constitution and Bill of Rights, along with a video that contains a powerful message from a former C.I.A. Agent to all Americans-You Decide:

NWO-Is The White House Now Judge, Jury and Executioner of Both Drone And Cyber-Attacks?

Is The White House Now Judge, Jury and Executioner of Both Drone And Cyber-Attacks?-Posted on Before It’s News-On February 6, 2013:


Texas Threatens To Lock Up Advocates Of Obama’s Unconstitutional NDAA!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On November 27, 2012:


Video: List Of All Fema Concentration Camps In America!-Posted on Before It’s News-On November 25, 2012:


More Government Agencies Stocking Up on Ammo, Tactical Gear!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Tad Cronn-On August 18, 2012:


Agencies tamp down speculation over hollow-point ammo purchases!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Tad Cronn-On August 17, 2012:


Who Does The Government Intend To Shoot?-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Major General Jerry Curry, USA (Ret.)-On August 17, 2012:


Arrogant Obama “Warns” Congress!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On July 10, 2012:


New Law: Virginia will not cooperate with NDAA detention!-Posted on Tenth Amendment Center-By Tenth Amendment-On April 18, 2012:


STATE TO FEDS: WE WON’T COOPERATE: ‘Legislation defying Obama on track to become law!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On April 10, 2012:


Will U.S. Troops Fire On American Citizens?-Posted on The Intel Hub-By Avalon & Shepard Ambellas-On April 1, 2012:


CNN: Sen. Harry Reid admits NDAA gives President power to assasinate US Citizens overseas!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 15, 2012:


Video: Was Breitbart Obama’s FIrst Victim Under NDAA (Licence To Murder)?-Posted on Before It’s News-On March 4, 2012:


Holder defends killings of American citizens overseas as part of war on terrorism!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By The Associated Press-On March 5, 2012:


Video: Is Obama A Murderer?Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On March 6, 2012:


Obama Sets NDAA Detention Guidelines!-Posted on NewAmerican-By JOE WOLVERTON, II-On March 3, 2012:


A Real Constitutional Law Professor’s Take On The NDAA!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MICHAEL CONNELLY-On February 28, 2012:


CAN OBAMA’S DETENTION PLANS BE STOPPED? ‘Journalists aren’t safe. Union leaders aren’t safe. Liberty is not safe’!-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On February 26, 2012:


NO TO NDAA AND IT’S ENFORCEMENT AND NO TO FORCED RFID CHIPS!-Posted on News With Views-By Dr. Laurie Roth-On February 24, 2012:


Source Exposes FEMA Training Camp in Missouri!-Posted on Infowars.com-On February 9, 2012:


NDAA Nullification: Tennessee Bills Propose Kidnapping Charges For Federal Agents!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On February 8, 2012:


Congress Calls for Accelerated Use of Drones in U.S.!-Posted on Secrecy News-By Steven Aftergood-On February 3, 2012:


James Madison And The ‘Gathering Storm’ Prophecy!-Posted on News With Views-By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.-On January 27, 2012:


All Who Signed The NDAA Bill Should Be Impeached!Posted on News With Views-By Dr. Laurie Roth, NewsWithViews.com-On January 20, 2012:


The Real 2012 Doomsday: U.S. Falls To Tyranny!Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Sam Rolley –On January 18, 2012:


10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Jonathan Turley-On January 13, 2012:


Video: NDAA: Rhode Island Rebelling? More States To Follow?-Posted on Western Jorunalism-On January 16, 2012:


SINGLE STATE DEFIES OBAMA DETENTION PLAN: ‘New law is ‘repugnant to sensibilities’ of founding principles!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On January 15, 2012:


36 STATES DID NOT RATIFY 17TH AMENDMENT – WHAT WILL STATES DO?-Posted on News With Views-By Devvy, NewsWithViews.com-On
January 16, 2012: 


Is The Washington Times Pro-Obama?-Posted on Western Journalism-By Doug Book-On January 13, 2012:


New bill in the House threatens citizenship!Posted on Americans For Limited Government-By Rebecca DiFede-On January 12, 2012:


Ohio Peace Officer Drafts NDAA Letter For Police And Sheriffs!-Posted on Oath Keepers-James B. Singleton-On January 7, 2012:


New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows!Posted on American Thinker-By Alan P. Halbert-On January 2, 2012:


Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse!-Posted on InfoWars-By Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones,
Infowars.com-On December 21, 2011:


Are Americans really to be jailed at Gitmo? ‘Critics warn bill empowers president to lock up citizens, throw away key!’Posted on WND.com-By Drew Zehn-On December 16, 2011:


FEMA’s Emergency Camps: Hiring Has Begun!-Posted on The Tea Party Economist-On December 16, 2011:


Merry Christmas From Obama, Congress, Legalized Martial Law?-Posted on DBKP- By LBG1-On December 14, 2011:


Video: Senate Detention Bill is Pure Treason – Declares War on American People!-Posted on YouTube.com-By On December 1, 2011:


Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide “Temporary Camp Services” In All 50 States!-Posted on SHTF.com-By Mac Slavo, SHTFplan.com-On December 7, 2011:


Video: Passed: Americans can be detained without due process Bill – S.1867!-Posted on Western Journalism-On December 16, 2011:


Video: NDAA’s World Wide Declaration of War on The People!Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On December 4, 2011:


America Lurches Toward Full-Blown Tyranny!-Posted on Rense.com-By Stephen Lendman-On December 3, 2011:


Video: Sen. Rand Paul Defends American Citizens Against Indefinite Detainment!Posted on YouTube.com-By SenatorRandPaul-On November 29, 2011:


Video: Obama Justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians!!!Posted on YouTube.com-By burnbabylon7 -On November 27, 2011:


Senate Bill: America Is Now Part of the Battlefield!-Posted on FOCUS-By Chris Anders, ACLU-On November 26, 2011:


Did American’s Loose Their Will For Liberty?-Posted on News With Views-By Pastor Roger Anghis, NewsWithViews.com-On
January 15, 2012:


Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on YouTube.com-By in5d-On May 6, 2010:


Resistance or Apathy – Victory or Defeat in 2012!-Posted on News With Views-By Greg Evensen, NewsWithViews.com-On January 14, 2011:


A day of reckoning for Washington!-Posted on Laigle’s Forum-By Don Hank-On February 10, 2012:


It’s Going To Take ‘We The People!’Posted on News With Views-By Chuck Baldwin-On February 9, 2012:


Video: Loose Change – Final Cut 2012 (Full Length)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By lillesvend666-On February 2, 2012:


MAJOR NEW WEAPON IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE U.N.!-Posted on News With Views-By Tom DeWeese-On January 8, 2012:


On or about December 22, 2011, Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers, called an emergency conference to be held for all active Oath Keeper Members on Friday, December 23, 2011. This conference was called to discuss the Oath Keeper’s response to the provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 that authorizes military detention and trial by tribunals of American citizens, right along with foreigners, which is a clear violation of #3 of Oath Keeper’s Declaration of Orders They Will Not Obey. What follows is the resolution that resulted from this conference-You Decide:

RESOLUTION OF THE SHERIFF Against NDAA 2012!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes & Patriot Coalition National Director Jeff Lewis-On January 29, 2012:


The New American: Coalition of Patriot Groups Unite To Oppose NDAA!-Posted on Oath Keepers-On February 15, 2012:


Oath Keepers: We Can Legally File Charges Against Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By JIM CAMPBELL-On February 24, 2012:


Oath Keepers: We Can Legally File Charges Against Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 24, 2012:


Note On January 29-31, 2012, more than 120 county sheriffs from across the U.S. attended their first ever annual “Constitutional Sheriffs Convention” that was held at the Las Vegas, Nevada Tuscany Hotel & Casino.  This Convention was the brainchild of the www.CountySheriffProject.org and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association at www.CSPOA.org. The convention’s objective was two-fold:  1.) To increase the understanding and awareness for all sheriffs and peace officers regarding the true power of our constitutional authority and duty to serve and protect the people for whom we work; and  2.) To unite in a concerted effort to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.


Sheriff’s out West gather with Richard Mack and sound the alarm on Agenda 21!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 10, 2012:


America’s Sheriffs Fight Barack Obama And Federal Government!Posted on English Pravada-By Dr. Eowyn-On February 2, 2012:


Video: Special Report: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds!-Posted on YouTube.com-By onelantern-On November 19, 2011:


Note: What follows are numerous articles and/or blog posts, a website and videos that relate to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:

Military-The War On America’s Military Veterans, Waged With SWAT Teams, Surveillance, And Neglect

The War On America’s Military Veterans, Waged With SWAT Teams, Surveillance, And Neglect!Posted on Western Journalism-By John W Whitehead-On May 23, 2014:


Military-Here Are The Top Ways Obama Has Declared War On Veterans

Here Are The Top Ways Obama Has Declared War On Veterans: “Is it any wonder we are seeing record rates of suicide?”!Posted on Western Journalism-By ALLAN ERICKSON-On May 23, 2014:


Military-Police Arming for War against Veterans

Police Arming for War against Veterans!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On May 19, 2014:


Military-Police Now Armed For War Against Returning Veterans

Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On May 6, 2014:


Congressman Martin Heinrich

Letter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


Governor Susana Martinez

Letter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


NWO-Biden Calls for a New World Order

Vice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 7, 2013:


Coast to Coast Logo

Audio: New World Order/ Food & Sustainability (C2CAM)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By VegasVulture-On March 20, 2013:


Senator Tom Udall

Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Orchestrated collapse of the U.S. Dollar)!


Financial Crisis-It has begun- Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design

It has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!-Posted on We The People US-By Jake Martinez-On March 18, 2013:


NWO-NWO & Dulce Base-PHIL SCHNEIDER’s The Last Words

Video: NWO & Dulce Base: PHIL SCHNEIDER’s The Last Words!-Posted on YouTube.com-By CHANNEL3X-On February 17, 2011:


NWO-Is The White House Now Judge, Jury and Executioner of Both Drone And Cyber-Attacks?

Is The White House Now Judge, Jury and Executioner of Both Drone And Cyber-Attacks?Posted on Before It’s News-On February 6, 2013:


If Even Some Of This Is True, Obama Is So Much More Dangerous Than We Thought!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On April 24, 2012:


Video: Wayne Madsen on Obama’s Indonesian Citizenship and Connecticut SS Number!Posted on ExposeObama.com-On September 16, 2009:


CIA drug traffic TI whistleblowers’ death threats and psych confinement for ‘delusion’!-Posted on Examiner-By DEBORAH DUPRE-On February 15, 2010:


Washington DC Investigative Journalist Wayne Madsen Threatened by Obama White House!Posted on Sinclair News-By Administrator-On April 13, 2011:


White House threats on Wayne Madsen must be taken seriously!Posted on Info Wars-By Wayne Madsen Report-On April 13, 2011:


Wayne Madsen-Death Threat! (Part 1 of 2)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 14, 2011:


Wayne Madsen-Death Threat! (Part 2 of 2)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 14, 2011:


Alex Jones-Wayne Madsen! (Part 1 of 3)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 19, 2011:


Alex Jones-Wayne Madsen! (Part 2 of 3)Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 19, 2011:


Alex Jones-Wayne Madsen! (Part 3 of 3)-Posted on YouTube.com-By bishowkt-On April 19, 2011:


DEATH THREATS BY U.S. BLACK OPS!Posted on Rinf News-On March 19, 2012::


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide:

Secession or Re-Declaration for Freedom?-Posted on ANMilitia Freedom Guardian-On November 25, 2012:


Video: ReDeclaration 2012!Posted on YouTube.com-By deniselngbch-On November 25, 2012:


STUDENT EXPELLED FOR REFUSING SPYCHIP: Objects to school district’s ‘electronic concentration camp’!Posted on WND.com-By JACK MINOR-On November 20, 2012:


Video: Rampant Injustice!Posted on YouTube.com-By Rampant Injustice-On November 1, 2012:


Tea Party “Terrorists” Now On U.S. Army Kill List?Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On October 13, 2012:


Border Whistleblower Sheriff Dead After Testifying Against Obama Administration!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On September 21, 2012:


Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)-Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 24, 2012:


Video: Foreign and Domestic: Exposing America’s True Enemies!Posted on YouTube.com-By TheJoshTolleyChannel-On July 7, 2012:


Lubbock, Texas Judge: Tax increase necessary for inevitable civil war if Obama reelected!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Houston Chronicle-On August 23, 2012:


America’s secret genocide against veterans!-Posted on Stand Up America-By SUAadmin-On August 21, 2012:


Video: Fox News Interview with Veteran Brandon Raub’s Attorney reveals info about Marine’s background, circumstances!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On August 23, 2012:


Facebook posting Marine vet in psych ward: FBI admits questioning, denies arrest!’-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On August 20, 2012:


Video: Breaking-Marine Vet Arrested by FBI allegedly “for Patriotic Posts on Facebook”!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-On August 18, 2012:


Report: “Obama is Preparing to Leave the Presidency”!-Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 17, 2012:


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 16, 2012:


Special Ops Groups Slam Obama Over Bin Laden Bragging, Leaks! (Part 1)-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 15, 2012:


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on July 24, 2012:


OBAMA PREPARING FOR CITIZEN UPRISING? Exclusive: Andrea Shea King sounds warning over White House power grab!-Posted on WND.com-By ANDREA SHEA KING-On July 16, 2012:


Video: DHS Continues To Target Conservatives, Ignore Islamists!Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 10, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 21, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on July 21, 2012:


WHEN LOVING YOUR COUNTRY MAKES YOU AS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST!-Posted on TeaParty.org-By Jake Martinez on July 7, 2012:


Homeland Security Report Labels Those “Reverent Of Individual Liberty” As Possible Terrorists!Posted on SayAnythingBlog.com-By Rob Port-On July 4, 2012:


26 Congressmen Send Obama Critical Letter on Drones!Posted on The New American-By  Raven Clabough-On June 15, 2012:


The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 24, 2012:


Is Obama Encouraging The Rise Of The New Black Panthers?-Posted on Western Journalism-By MICHAEL J. NELLETT-On May 24, 2012:


Video: The Second Revolution-White People are Getting Ready to Riot!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheDarkHorseRider-On November 26, 2009:


Video: One World Government & Collectivism – G. Edward Griffin!-Posted on YouTube.com-By GoodFightUploads-On April 26, 2011: 


IRS Ban on Travel Masks Fed’s Takeover of America!-Posted on Occupy Corporatism-By Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism-On April 18, 2012:


Video: Jon Voight tells the truth about Obama – Wake up America – NWO – Plans Elite – Illuminati!Posted on YouTube.com-By ICTer4life-On March 28, 2012:


EXPOSE OUR CORRUPTION AND WE’LL STEAL YOUR CHILD!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Dave Hodges-On April 15, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 12, 2012:


Anti-government ‘sovereign movement’ on the rise in U.S.!Posted on USA Today-By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY-On March 30, 2012:


President Obama signs Executive Order allowing for control over all US resources!-Posted on The Examiner-By Kenneth Schortgen Jr., Finance Examiner-On March 17, 2012:


Glenn Beck: “I will not comply”!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On March 15, 2012:






I hope you like the United Nations…because they are calling all the shots!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 15, 2012:


CRITICIZE GOVERNMENT, GET ARRESTED! ‘Civil liberties organization says Supremes need to create ‘deterrent’!-Posted WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 10, 2012:


CHRISTIANS WHO SIGNED PETITIONS INVESTIGATED: ‘Opponents of El Paso mayor’s same-sex benefits plan targeted for prosecution!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On March 10, 2012:


Texas City Withdraws From ICLEI, UN “Agenda 21”!-Posted on NewAmerican-By ALEX NEWMAN-On March 6, 2012:


Paying Cash for that Latte? It May Land You on FBI’s Terrorist List!-Posted on NewAmerican-By WILLIAM F. JASPER-On February 27, 2012: 


Wyoming Introduces ‘Doomsday Bill’ To Prepare For Collapse of Federal Government!Posted on Prison Planet-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Prison Planet.com-On February 27, 2012:


Canada: Four-year-old Allegedly Sketches Gun; Dad Arrested, Strip-Searched!-Posted on NewAmerican-By MICHAEL TENNANT-On February 27, 2012:   


TEXANS DEMAND FREEDOM FROM SMART METERS: ‘Petition asks state to impose ‘permanent prohibition’!’-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On February 25, 2012:


U.N. BIOSPHERES: A SCHEME TO CONTROL PEOPLE AND THEIR LAND!-Posted on News With Views-By Carole “CJ” Williams-On February 24, 2012:  


How Your Freedom Was Bargained Away 20 Years Ago!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Tad Cronn-On February 23, 2012:


BATHING, SEX HABITS FAIR GAME FOR CENSUS? ‘FOIA filing now demanding information from federal questioners!’Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On February 16, 2012:


FBI Terrorist Alert: Beware of Those Who ‘Reference the Constitution or Bible!’-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On February 9, 2012:


Dick Morris: Obama’s sneaky treaties!-Posted on The Hill-By Dick Morris-On February 7, 2012:


Video:Obama Is Betraying America!Posted on DickMorris.com-By Dick Morris –On February 3, 2012:


State-Controlled Mainstream Media?Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On February 8, 2012:


FBI Icreasing Its Monitoring Of ‘Sovereign Citizens’-But Why?-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On February 7, 2012: 


Video: Loose Change – Final Cut 2012 (Full Length)!Posted on YouTube.com-By lillesvend666-On February 2, 2012:


Supreme Court Rules Americans are Protected from “Surveillance State!”- Posted on The National Center For Public Policy Research-On January 23, 2012:


Agenda 21: The End Of Western Civilization (Part 1)Posted on News With Views-By Kathleen Marquardt-On January 21, 2012:


Agenda 21: The End Of Western Civilization (Part 2)-Posted on News With Views-By Kathleen Marquardt-On 
February 4, 2012:


Agenda 21: The End Of Western Civilization! (Part 3)-Posted on News With Views-By Kathleen Marquardt-On
February 25, 2012:


AGENDA 21: THE END OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION (Part 4)!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Kathleen Marquardt-On February 25, 2012:


Obama Usurps Our Freedoms with the Stroke of a Pen!Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On January 20, 2012:


Napolitano’s state, local cop meeting on extremism vague, say critics!-Posted on The Examiner-By Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner-On January 18, 2012:


Keep China Happy: Vote Obama!Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By John Myers–On January 18, 2012:


Are You Ready For The Coming One World Government?-Posted on News With Views-By Paul McGuire-On January 17, 2012:


Video: Turn in your neighbor for owning a gun….get $1000 REWARD!Posted on Conservative Byte-On January 12, 2012:


Rumor Alert: Veterans’ Health and “Sporting Purposes”!Posted on NRA ILA-On January 6, 2012:


Training excercise startles locals!-Posted on Daily Commercials-By MILLARD K. IVES | Staff Writer-On January 4, 2012:


DHS Officers Armed With Semiautomatics Set Up Unannounced ID Checkpoint!-Posted on InforWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com-On January 5, 2012:


Did Federal Agents Really Raid A Mormon Food Storage Facility?Posted on The Blaze-By Buck Sexton-On December 13, 2011:


Oath Keepers Alert: Federal Agents Demand Customer Lists From Mormon Food Storage Facility!Posted on Oath Keepers-On December 8, 2011:


Oath Keepers Receives Tip of National Guard Unit Stand-Down, Refusing to Answer Questionnaire Asking if They Would Use Lethal Force Against the American People!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Paul Lowe-On December 8, 2011:


Video: Govt Says Hunters, Extreme Couponers are Potential Terrorists!Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson, The White House Watch-On December 5, 2011:


Homeland Security-linked CELL Terrorizes Americans!Posted on NewAmerican-By ALEX NEWMAN-On November 23, 2011:


U.S. Army Alaska Military Police Officer Put In Protective Custody After Warning Mother of Imminent Threat!-Posted on  Press-By PAUL W KINCAID, World news-On November 4, 2011:


FBI Handout Lists Purchase of Preparedness Items as “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities”!Posted on Oath Keepers-By Stewart Rhodes-On August 10, 2011:


ATF Intimidates Gun Owners With Home Visits!-Posted on Prison Planet-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Prison Planet.com-On July 29, 2011:


Norway Terrorist Atrocity: Lessons For Patriots!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Nathaniel Davidson-On July 31, 2011:


Terrorist proclaimed himself ‘Darwinian,’ not ‘Christian’!-Posted on WND.com-On July 24, 2011:


Suspect In Friday’s Deadly Terror Attacks In Norway Has Right-Wing Extremist Views!-Posted on CNN.com-By the CNN Wire Staff-On July 24, 2011:


DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists!Posted on InfoWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Infowars.com-On July 21, 2011:


Cop Threatens to Kill Concealed Carry Gun Owner During Traffic Stop!Posted on Conservative Byte-On July 22, 2011:


Video: Cop Threatens to Kill Concealed Carry Gun Owner During Traffic Stop!


Escalation In Arizona: Firearms Confiscated!-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On July 27, 2011:


Nazi’-cop town ‘firing’ officers, stops paying mayor!-Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On July 20, 2011:


Nazi’ police ‘kidnap’ woman at town hall!Posted on WND.com-By Joe Kovacs-On July 6, 2011:


Video: Nazi’ police ‘kidnap’ woman at Quartzsite Arizona Council Meeting!


18 Signs The Collapse Of Society Is Accelerating!Posted on The Economic Collapse-On June 2011:


FBI Can Go Through Your Trash!Posted on NewsMax.com-By Martin Gould-On June 13, 2011:


Backlash begins for judges who backed illegal entry!Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On June 12, 2011:


Video: NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Envylife904-On June 11, 2011:


Law and Order: ‘Targeted killing is legitimate and defensible’!Posted on The Weekly Standard-By KENNETH ANDERSON-On June 6, 2011:


No right to resist unlawful police entry, rules Indiana Supreme Court: ‘Decision says resisting officers would increase risk of violence’!Posted on News Sentinal-Fort Wayne IN-By The Associated Press-Updated on May 14, 2011:


BRAND-NEW CROSSHAIRS, DEATH THREATS TARGET BIRTHERS, GOP: ‘Media anti-eligibility rhetoric blamed for mail, phone threats!’-Posted on WND.com-By BRIAN FITZPATRICK-On January 10, 2011:


Video: Jesse Ventura – The Bilderberg Group (Conspiracy Theory, S1 Ep 5)!Posted on YouTube.com-By OcularPolitics-On January 10, 2011:


Video: The men behind Barack Obama (Part 1)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By 2008nmo -On October 29, 2008:


Video: The men behind Barack Obama (Part 2)!Posted on YouTube.com-By 2008nmo -On October 29, 2008:


Note: The above articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support my following blog posts-You Decide:

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


New World Order By Executive Order!


What was the true intent of Operation Closed Campus?


How Much Longer Will We Be “Allowed” To Keep Our Guns?


Another Imminent Homeland & National Security Issue!


Shocking New Report! Obama’s Real Terrorists: Targeting Patriots and The Right!


Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?


Threat of the Mexican drug cartel, illegal border-crossers and“sanctuary cities”!


The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Could the U.S. Weather & Atmosphere Modification Project (HAARP) be connected to swine flu pandemic & global weather assault causing climate chaos and environmental catastrophes?


Geoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


New Twist To New World Order Agenda!


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


Have Americans Stopped Having Confidence In Their Government?


Where Is America Today?


Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless Our Troops & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!

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